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POTA's Big Announcement: NEW Parks on the Air Plaque Event

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Feb 22, 2023.

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  1. KC1ELF

    KC1ELF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Typical answer on one of these boards, no answer to the question, but a dissection of every word as though it were a medical journal.
    KQ1V likes this.
  2. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'll drink to that.
    KQ1V, W9EBE, K1CWB and 1 other person like this.
  3. K0WJM

    K0WJM Ham Member QRZ Page

    So POTA should stay off 17 meters. Aye
    KQ1V, KD8ZM and (deleted member) like this.
  4. K1CWB

    K1CWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not a contester myself, but just being a once a year event it's not a big deal to me. I'll often give some points away to those who do contest during the major contests anyway so I won't shy away from playing along a bit, even if I'm not in the running for a plaque. I'd rather see it as a 24 hour contest though than 48 hours, but that's just my thought. I might have been more intrigued if there was a QRP category. From what it sounds like the plaque event is just being separated from the summer support your parks weekend to stand on it's own as the contest with a couple new categories. Keeping it off the WARC bands and 60 for this event was the smart thing to do too, as I imagine some activators and hunters won't be interested in the contest environment. Either way when I'm on the air if I hear POTA activators I'll likely give them a call.
    KE8QJV, WK4DS, KQ1V and 2 others like this.
  5. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Probably what happens in SOTA when multiple operators are on the same summit (it happens here in the Appalachian region), everyone cooperates on frequency selection and chasers get to chase the same summit multiple times that day.

    Across all bands and modes, there is currently (Feb 25th at 4:40pmET), there are about 84 activations going on via 8 bands and 7 modes. Even if that doubled (I've seen activation counts in the mid 100s), it would hardly choke all of the bands or result in a bunch of operators at the same park.

    What wasn't answered?

    WR2E likes this.
  6. K1CWB

    K1CWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    They stated in the video that for this contest/event that WARC bands and 60 meters is a no go.

    It has gotten more competitive for sure but I think it's because more and more folks are joining in. Maybe this once a year contest will help some get it out of their system for awhile lol
    M0TTQ likes this.
  7. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    No, you can't "claim" them, when one or more POTA activators get to a park they have to get out their dueling pistols and the one(s) left standing get to activate the park. How's that? You game? I'll meet ya at the park of your choice! LOL! :p

    Seriously, do you mean to say that was NOT a rhetorical question? You really wanted an answer to that?
    AE0Q, WK4DS and W9EBE like this.
  8. KD8ZM

    KD8ZM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah. I wish POTA and SOTA were restricted to QRP power, in keeping with the spirit of portable radio operations. At least it might encourage the bullies to do some other activity.
    K7GYB, KI4YZN, WR2E and 1 other person like this.
  9. KD5PCK

    KD5PCK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where does this idea that portable operations have to be QRP?
    Have you ever tried to reach a relative 1000 miles away from your QTH to let them know you survived hurricane Ida? I have. And I'm damn glad I had more than 5 watts as a part of my portable station to reach the H&W net.
    KM1NDY, AA3C, KE8QJV and 5 others like this.
  10. N7KO

    N7KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ya, well some are not happy to just enjoy Ham radio for what it is, some crave recognition, even if they got to cheat to get it. Yay contest's brings out the best in Ham radio.
    W7ASA, KI4YZN and KD8ZM like this.
  11. N7KO

    N7KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ya, well some are not happy to just enjoy Ham radio for what it is, some crave recognition, even if they got to cheat to get it. They say this will not change casual QSO's? it does when you get interrupted with operators not being curtsies, and just key up and start talking not asking if the frequency is in use. and the CW only portion is taken over by digital noise, where it sounds like a bunch of AOL dial ups. Yay contest's brings out the best in Ham radio.
    W7ASA and KD8ZM like this.
  12. N7KO

    N7KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yep you take a good thing and ruin it with high power and a bunch that do not follow the code of conduct only thing they care about is making as may so called contacts as they can and getting some paper reward.
  13. N7KO

    N7KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Crazy isn't it.
    KD8ZM likes this.
  14. KD8ZM

    KD8ZM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Replace "have to" with "is much more practical to." Hiking up a mountain with a large battery is different than sitting in a suburban yard with a large battery. And reaching relatives after a hurricane to tell them you're OK is a different objective than what we're talking about, here.
    K7GYB likes this.
  15. W9EBE

    W9EBE Subscriber QRZ Page


    As much as I enjoy hunting POTA activators on the WARC (and non-WARC) bands, in no way do I want any sort of contest activity on 60m or the WARC bands. And that includes the "non-contest" Field Day. ;)

    POTA ON!

    73 es ZUT,
    Chip W9EBE
    KB1MM, W8MND, KD8ZM and 2 others like this.

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