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NEW Wouxun KG-UV950P Quad Band Mobile /car radio !

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by IW2BSF, Dec 23, 2018.

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  1. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    NEW Wouxun KG-UV950P Quad Band Mobile /car radio

    a new interesting radio by Wouxun :

    4 BANDs: 6 meter 10 meter, 144 and 430 MHz !

    50 W on VHF e 40 W on UHF

    73 de IW2BSF - Rudy

  2. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    sorry.... rumors say that is NOT a new radio (bad and old notice by !!! ) ...... 73 :-(
  3. N1ART

    N1ART Guest

    No 220MHZ? Bah Humbug!
    They had a nice spot in the corner for an 8 pin mic jack and they blew it.
    No flashlight, no sale.
    KF4LQT, AJ4LN, AD5NM and 4 others like this.
  4. KA7RRA

    KA7RRA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    It would have been nice if they had SSB on it and just FM
    K5KDI, N5VWN, AJ4LN and 3 others like this.
  5. WA7OCZ

    WA7OCZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    New? There's a review on it over at eHam from 2014.
    KA2QIT, N1ART, AJ4LN and 1 other person like this.
  6. W6LDX

    W6LDX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I would buy a 220 SSB rig in a heartbeat, but who would I be having Qs with? We need more VHF SSB stations, not just at contest time, but all the time. Back to the old days; build it myself.
    KA9UCE, KF4LQT, N7DED and 6 others like this.
  7. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Dang, I was hoping for the new 315MHz band. Where can I get one of those radios?
  8. HB9FUX

    HB9FUX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    Have it since 2014...
    AJ4LN and UT7UX like this.
  9. W2ZDP

    W2ZDP Ham Member QRZ Page

    No remote control head ??
  10. N4MU

    N4MU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    If it doesn't have at least 999 memories count me out!
  11. K3FHP

    K3FHP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    For a buck more in construction cost they could have put a 6 oin minidin on it ant it might have been a useful radio.

    Bah Humbug....
  12. N0HWJ

    N0HWJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Same old problem, some radio manufacture's never know what the average ham wants in a radio. My self I would like a 2 meter, 6meter and 220 or 440 rig running 80 watts all mode. Guess I will be wanting a long time. Even a 6 meter and a 10 meter would be nice that would be SSB and FM at even a lower power would be fun about 50 watts. N0HWJ
    N4GST and AJ4LN like this.
  13. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    yes have the detachable front panel, but SORRY is not a new radio (2014) and as only FM nor ssb radio !
  14. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    but .... why is that so important in USA the 220 MHz Band ???? why?
  15. W5JCK

    W5JCK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Even the old school Yaesu FT-8900R (10m, 6m, 2m, 70cm) was FM without SSB capability. Why? Cost! Adding SSB to such a radio would cost a lot of money, and modern hams are cheap and not likely to buy it. If you want those bands in SSB, then you need to put out some serious cash and get a base station. Most modern HF rigs have 10m and 6m SSB, and there are some good 10m only and 6m only SSB rigs. A few HF rigs include 2m SSB and aeven fewer include 70cm SSB. You can of course get a base rig with all modes on 2m and 70cm, but you will spend as much as you would for an HF rig. Mobile SSB on 2m and 70cm is not going to have much a range, only a few miles. Ever try talking simplex on 2m and 70cm? How did that work out for you? Unless you want unreliable short range communication (as in 10 miles or less), simplex on 2m and 70cm is not going to be anything like mobile operations on 10m and 6m SSB which can OCCASIONALLY produce DX operations. Mostly they produce dead air and static though.

    As far the 220 MHz FM I agree that it is about as useless as teats on a bore hog. There are very few 220 MHz repeaters around, and the few that are around tend to stay silent. I guess if you want a more private band for FM simplex with nearby friends then 220 MHz might be a good choice as most people don't have a radio capable of listening to your comms on that band. I'm kind of surprised that the FCC hasn't reassigned that band to another service since we hams rarely use it any more.

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