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Narrowband version of ROS still not legal below 222MHz without FCC approval

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K7MHI, Mar 5, 2010.

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  1. KX0DW

    KX0DW QRZ Lifetime Member #212 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Håkan Bergzén Documents

    Most certainly. Here is the last copy I have. We were curious about the diagrams on pages 2 & 3, as well a lot of the text. I have read some of your presentations in the past, and much of this "feels" familiar. Since the original file had your name and the Nordic HF98 conference data in the file properties, naturally your name came up in our discussion. We would all be most curious whether any of the work and documentation provided in this document was derived from any of your work.

    Thanks for you contributions to the world of HF radio!

  2. WA1ZMS

    WA1ZMS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Dave. I cannot attach things to posts when I use this silly iPhone! :)
  3. KA9MOT

    KA9MOT Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is an awesome read guys. Y'all have debunked this guy so efficiently I can't stop laughing........The only thing I can say is: Can I get on that list? It contains the finest people.

    Book 'em Dano LOL :D
  4. KQ7W

    KQ7W Ham Member QRZ Page

    ahh... nothing like hamradio to establish that sense of international fellowship..

    pass the popcorn !
  5. SM7OKI

    SM7OKI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have looked through the document "Introduction to ROS: The Spread Spectrum" and have the following comments:

    - The probable reason my name came up in the Properties of the document is that I have been (and still am) involved in the arrangements of the Nordic HF conferences ( and as part of that have produced guidelines for authors and speakers (Instructions for Authors) which can be downloaded from the web site and used as template for a conference paper. If the prospective author forgot to change the document Properties my name will remain there.

    - I cannot find any pictures/figures/diagrams that originate from me. Some of the pictures seem to originate from text books in the field. Whether those publications should have been referenced is not for me to comment upon.

    - The described FH/16FSK method seem fully viable, although such schemes are normally restricted to be used on dedicated frequency bands so as to minimize interference to other users. Naturally, military systems are more resilient and have higher capacity (and are more costly) than the described FH/16FSK system, but there are commercial systems directed to the NGO market that are similar in design (as far as I can tell). I cannot really see the benefits of using FH on the ham bands, but on the other hand amateur radio was once created to share and experiment with new ideas in a polite and open manner.

    Håkan SM7OKI
  6. N1SZ

    N1SZ QRZ Lifetime Member #233 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Um, Yea.... Like whatever......

    Nothing like a seemingly disjointed statement (in whatever translator you use) to really make your point....whatever it was Mr. K5NTJ.

    Why are you defending Mr. Ros? In the U.S., his mode is illegal below 222 MHz. Why do you keep defending him? What is your vested interest? Are you using his mode? I don't see your callsign on any of the pages showing QSOs using ROS? You seem to be all talk. Why aren't you using ROS? These are simple questions..... please respond....we are curious.

  7. K5NTJ

    K5NTJ QRZ Member

    Señor ,como se atreve usted a juzgar la forma en que me expreso en
    la lengua de Cervantes?.
    Como puede ser tan atrevida su ignorancia?.
    Ustedes no pueden traducir mis palabras usando un burdo traductor automatico.
    Le pareceria yo una persona inteligente si intentara traducir Hamlet al
    español con algo tan burdo como un traductor Baibilon?.
    No me hagan perder mas el tiempo.

    J. L des Camarges
  8. K5OKC

    K5OKC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Un p'tit piou piou
  9. KX0DW

    KX0DW QRZ Lifetime Member #212 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page



    I am glad to hear that. We all do not appreciate it when the work of others is misappropriated, so I am glad it is not so in this case.

    Thank you for taking the time to review.

    Very best regards,

  10. KX0DW

    KX0DW QRZ Lifetime Member #212 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page



    We're still curious why you defend the ROS software so strongly and why you are using an apparently invalid call sign to identify yourself. It may be worthwhile to explain the meaning behind "K5NTJ", if it is something other than a call sign.


  11. K7FE/SK2017

    K7FE/SK2017 QRZ Lifetime Member #1 Platinum Subscriber Life Member

    My apologies for the shoddy translator. It is the only one that I know of. I do not wish to offend the memory of Cervantes with my poor Spanish.
    Have you a suggestion for a good translator?

    My Spanish is quite limited and this is an English language forum. I understand that meanings are sometimes lost in translation. Perhaps you will explain your position on ROS in more detail so that I can properly understand.

    Terry, K7FE
    Mis disculpas para el traductor de chapuza. Es el único que sé de. Yo no deseo ofender la memoria de Cervantes con mi español pobre.
    ¿Tiene usted un sugestion para un traductor bueno?

    Mi español es limitado bastante y esto es un foro inglés del idioma. Comprendo que significados son perdidos a veces en la traducción. Quizás usted explicará su posición en ROS en más detalle para que pueda comprender apropiadamente.

    Terry, K7FE
  12. G4ILO

    G4ILO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Skip, KH6TY, whom some may know as the co-developer of Digipan, has just posted the results of some tests using ROS over in the digitalradio Yahoo group. Basically it performs worse than Olivia and uses more bandwidth.

    Over in the rosdigitalmodem group someone has posted that ROS is illegal in Norway and probably many other countries (including I suspect the UK) because of its use of a protocol that is not openly documented.

    So if it's illegal almost everywhere and not as good as modes we've already got, hopefully people will soon forget about it.
  13. K5OKC

    K5OKC Ham Member QRZ Page

    ...or the idiot will properly document what he is doing, and not put out disinformation.
  14. N1SZ

    N1SZ QRZ Lifetime Member #233 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Really.... Run Other Software

    And maybe some fool will stop posting using callsigns that haven't been issued in the U.S. - Mr. K5NTJ. I wonder who that could be? Once again my advice for U.S. amateur operators operating ROS below 222 MHz.... Run Other Software!

    K5NTJ, if you thought you were being clever, you're the only one. Here is your grade - F (F=FAILURE)! I'm sorry.... your effort doesn't even warrant a "nice try". Although here are a couple of suggestions for you in the future:

    1.) Make sure that whatever you write, translates into decent English on a predominately English speaking web page.... a bad translation is a tip off....even though I can speak German....out of pure respect to those who speak Deutsch ... I'd sure run my posting though a few free web translators to check my grammar before I posted to a German speaking page. Just a suggestion.

    2.) Do some due diligence - if you are going to use a US callsign that hasn't been issued, don't post in a foreign language.... it is a big red flag that something is wrong. (Also see #1 above)

    3.) K5NTJ - Be serious. Almost anybody who is suspicious of your writing will look up the callsign.... AND figure out that you're not legitimate in a matter of seconds. Seriously.... that is the best you could do? Your creativity grade is F. At the very least, you could have used a European callsign.... that would have been more credible.

    4.) Rambling discussions about "mother countries" and other obscure nationalistic topics generally tend to distract the reader away from your main point. If I were you, I'd leave those issues out of technical discussions.

    K5NTJ you get a A for comedic value, but a large F for originality and delivery. Please re-evaluate your efforts. I think your time would be better spent pulling weeds, washing the car, walking the family pet...etc. Basically your time would be better spent doing anything other than pretending to be a US amateur radio licensee promoting an illegal mode in the U.S...... Hey, using K5NTJ.... could that be considered impersonation or using a false identity? Hmmm..... let's look into that.....

  15. G4ILO

    G4ILO Ham Member QRZ Page

    There are some who believe statements Ros has made mean that he intends to make money from his invention. If so, he may not be too interested in doing that.

    Still, you have to admire him for getting a load of hams to do his beta testing for free!
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