Seasoned ham radio contesters, Chris Hurlbut KL9A and Dan Craig N6MJ, were able to join me late Monday night for our weekly Contest Crew discussion. They responded to questions posed by a couple of relative newcomers to the contest world, N0GJW and M6ECG. Per usual, their answers and perspective are useful reminders of what to do, and not to do, when working the pile-ups. Despite being undisputed champs, these two are also well known for their humor, humility and willingness to help the rest of us improve our skills. Join me for this second episode of the Contest Crew and subscribe if you like what you hear. PS. Randy K5ZD and Scott K0MD couldn't join us this week but they'll be back for future Contest Crew conversations.
Thanks so much Chris and Dan for your advice all very much appreciated and Kevin for posting such excellent videos! 73 & 88 from the Essex Sunshine Coast, Lucy