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KD5ASF - Kidney transplant

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by Guest, Jan 27, 2006.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    To All Radio Amateurs,

    Nan Dees, KD5ASF , wife of Tom Dees, KC5YCH , is having a Kidney transplant evaluation Februrary 5, .Tom has been a member of the MSPN and the MARS program for years. He is retired military veteran and is on disability . Nan is on dyalisis for now. Expenses for this kind of thing can be ENORMOUS as many folks have found out through experience. Tom and Nan are very fine country folk and the financial burden is great. If the amateur community of Mississippi would create a fund drive of some sort, I know these fine people would greatly apprecieate it. Tom is the kind of person that is PROUD and is not looking for handouts. I thought if the powers to be could start something up , even if it is only at the Jackson Hamfest, Anything they would receive would help greatly. This is serious and has a long rehab time so it will be expensive. I'm sure all thoughts and prayers will be with them but thoughts won't pay bills . Prayers that come with monetary attachments will help twofold. Nan will be having this done at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical Center. Please let us not forget our own . All assistance getting this done is needed and appreceiated.

    Friends in Amateur Radio,
    Mel Oubre N5JCG
  2. N6BOA

    N6BOA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mel, though I think this is a wonderful idea, but you might want to have a fund set up that is in trust with a bank or the like. People shouldn't just send money to a private party. Also, more people would donate if they were certain the money went straight to offset expenses. Pick a respected organization who would be willing to collect donations for Nan and one who would see to it that the money was spent appropriately. I think people are leery about just sending money to a private party. I for one would be happy to help if a trust was set up for Nan.

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Contributions to the Nan Dees ,KD5ASF, Kidney Fund can be made at any Trustmark National Bank. Nan is now waiting on results of many examinations. I will make furthur reports on Nan's condition as things transpire. Thanks to all who contribute. These are REAL good country folks that would give you their last meal if you were hungry.

    73 Mel
  4. N4LHY

    N4LHY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I understand their concerns very much, my wife was diagnosed on Dec. 27 last year with kidney failure, she is now on dyalisis, three days a week, here in Texas they have a program that helps pay for treatments and such. She is also going to get medicare starting March 1st, she is only 32 years old...Please send my prayers to the family and if I could help finanically i would certainly do so......Chris KG4LQZ Alvord, TX
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