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K4Z - 12 Days of QRZ Special Event

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4OVT, Dec 4, 2024.

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  1. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    All Aboard the K4Z "12 Days of QRZ" Check-in Train!

    "12 Days of QRZ" is underway where you can start racking up confirmed contacts now, one per day, a total of (12) twelve confirmed contacts needed to qualify for the QRZ Award.

    To help Hams with award achievement, starting on 12/14, K4Z Volunteers will begin "12 Days of QRZ" Activations continuing daily for 12 Days providing qualifying, confirmed contacts thru 12/25.

    Once you have (12) twelve confirmed contacts in your QRZ Logbook on (12) different days, you qualify for the award.

    ALL confirmed contacts between 12/01/24 and 02/28/25, 1 per day, qualify for the award.

    K4Z Activations supplement confirmed contacts you may already have, or may continue to accumulate until 02/28/25 - no need to wait until 12/14, go ahead and get on-the-air mindful contacts only qualify once confirmed in your QRZ Logbook.

    Similar to our K4x History events offered throughout the year, the K4Z QRZ Page will list real-time activations to include frequency/mode/NCS name, so keep checking the K4Z during our 12 days of operation for Activation details - borrowing from Lionel Ritchie, we make it "easy like Christmas morning" to locate K4Z Activations.

    The K4Z QRZ page is ready for your visit - come visit!

    Happy Holidays with special thanks to QRZ Staff for offering another "12 Days of QRZ" Holiday Event!

    Marc - W4OVT
    N6RQU, N9PWM, K1FBI and 35 others like this.
  2. IW2ILQ

    IW2ILQ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Also II2XMAS is waiting. No awards but fun and spreading the Christmas spirit every were.
    Because Christmas is in/on the air!
    AI5UQ, DL3BWF, NT1A and 9 others like this.
  3. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    All you need again is 12 confirmed contacts on any band any mode and you get the award...there is no prerequisite for getting "special event" stations...get out there and make contacts
    AI5UQ, N2YQT, DL3BWF and 4 others like this.
  4. IW2ILQ

    IW2ILQ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    it's quite obvious.
    but the christmas spirit is everywere, not only with the 12 days of christmas award on
    Was only a simply invitation to have a QSO with a XMAS callsign.
    AI5UQ, DL3BWF and F4LPH like this.
  5. IW5BTT

    IW5BTT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gli americani non sanno che per ogni QSO con II2XMAS ottieni un buono lasagna o faraona ripiena. 73
    K9ALT and IW2ILQ like this.
  6. IW2ILQ

    IW2ILQ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Ahahahahahahaa! Non dire queste cose che poi me li ritrovo sotto casa a batter lasagna!
    AE7SX and IW5BTT like this.
  7. VE3PP

    VE3PP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Marc
    I may have missed this, but could you list the callsigns that will be operating during this event?
    Thanks, Rick
  8. W0JKT

    W0JKT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    K4Z? or if other station II2XMAS

    You can have multiple stations with the same call. I do lots of special events just not more than one on the same band same mode at a time. This week I am W2MM for QCWA 77th anniversary. But there are many of us "Mickey Mouses"
    AE7SX, NT1A, KF4IIL and 2 others like this.
  9. F4LPH

    F4LPH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello Dear OM,
    I will try to make contacts but it will not be easy :)
    Maybe Santa will come and confirm the "12 Days of QRZ"
    Friendship from France !

    Bonnes fetes de Noel
    Pascal - F4LPH / F-10175 (SWL Call-sign)
    W4SUL and NT1A like this.
  10. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why is this so complicated to the multitude..... the contest runs from December 1st 2024 to February 28th 2025
    Just get a total of 12 confirmed contact days during that period of time
    K7YB, AE7SX, K7KMM and 2 others like this.
  11. K4NNP

    K4NNP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good job with your hard work setting this up for all the ham and helping with the 12 days of QRZ. .
    NT1A, KF8KI, KD8YER and 1 other person like this.
  12. KC8EHR

    KC8EHR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Looking forward to this event, Marc. I enjoy all the Special Event Stations that are out here, and I enjoy participating, and supporting Amateur Radio.
    F4LPH likes this.
  13. KO4TXV

    KO4TXV Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Three days are in the logs. Nine more to go :)
    NT1A, K7KMM and KF4IIL like this.
  14. KD2BBC

    KD2BBC QRZ Lifetime Member #587 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    (((((((((( This is truly GR8 Newzzzzzzzzzzz ))))))))))

    Thank you so much for sharing

    73 de


    Supremium Amateur Radio Station

    Miguel Ferrier
  15. W4LJ

    W4LJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It seems a lot of stations are not confirming on QRZ this year. So far, have only one confirmation out of about 50 contacts over several days. Strange.
    KF4IZP, W4SUL, K7KMM and 2 others like this.

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