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Joe Reid K2JAO (SK)

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by KB2FCV, Mar 5, 2024.

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  1. KB2FCV

    KB2FCV Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is with great sadness that I am reporting the passing of longtime friend, mentor, Amateur Radio operator and my 8th grade science teacher, Joe Reid K2JAO.

    I first met Joe as a student in 8th grade back in 1987 at the Lafayette Middle School in Chatham. He had the last classroom all the way down at the end of the hall. Early in the school year, he told us about Amateur Radio and the school Amateur Radio club (WA2RGV). Any student could join, and progression towards your license would get you exempt from having to do a science project. I joined up. He taught us morse code, radio theory, electronics, the rules and regulations. He lent us all Heathkit HW-16's so that we could listen to the ARRL code practice He taught us how to solder, we built & soldered morse code keyer kits, morse code paddles (which I later used to make a moonbounce contact!) and eventually we got our license. Over they years as a teacher through his ham radio school club Joe helped hundreds of kids get their license. Joe helped setup my first radio. I remember countless hours using the school radio station, using his Heathkit SB-303 and SB-401. There I met Andy Stillinger (WA2DKJ - SK), another longtime friend who would sometimes be a "guest speaker/ teacher" at the after school radio club, as well as many of my amateur radio friends who are still great friends today.

    After 8th grade I still kept in touch with Joe (and Andy) through the New Providence Amateur Radio Club. We formed a friendship through the hobby. We spent many years at Field Day setting up the field day site, raising antennas and operating morse code. Joe was always a phone call away if you needed to ask a question and would teach you how to fix something. Joe was always the teacher. Joe was a car enthusiast. He loved VW's, Honda's and Porsche. I can remember his VW Bus and his Honda sedans.. but most of all was his 1950's Porsche, which was a rare aluminum body prototype. I remember getting to ride in it once or twice! He was very meticulous with the care of it. I recall him telling us if he had it out and there was an unexpected rain coming he would knock on someone's door and ask if he could park it in their garage! Joe, Andy and I remained good friends for many years up until each of their passing.

    When Andy first went to the South Pole, a seasonal job he had.. I was living in an Apartment at the time and could not hear him over the radio on my makeshift antenna. Joe invited me over to his house to talk to Andy using his station, I'll never forget how loud Andy was at Joe's station.

    If you ever wonder in life, have you made an impact on someone.. something that changed the course of their life for the better? Well, Joe did. Had it not been for being introduced to this wonderful hobby - I probably would have never by chance noticed a customer at the Grand Union grocery store I worked at in my early 20's wearing a ham radio handheld (HT) and struck up a conversation. That conversation led to my then future boss tracking me down to offer me a student contractor job at Bell Labs in Murray Hill - which started my career in computers! I often like to think how many other people Joe has made an impact on, how many lives he changed. Joe was a favorite teacher of many. Joe, I thank you and I am truly greatful for our friendship over the years and I will miss you. Andy probably has a long list of projects up there for you guys to work together on.

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  2. W1BR

    W1BR Ham Member QRZ Page

    sorry for you loss.
  3. W0EPK

    W0EPK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I too knew Joe, and was first licensed along with Andy in 1976. I too went off to Engineering school. I do very little 'hamming' now a days, but thanks to Joe and NPRC field days, I learned skills I've been using the last 20 years as a Incident Communications Manager at Wildland fires 73 de W0EPK
  4. NZ4X

    NZ4X Platinum Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Platinum Subscriber Swapmeet Lead QRZ Page

    Thank you James for sharing your story about your friend Joe. He must of been a truly great teacher and friend.

    Ronnie NZ4X
  5. W6EFI

    W6EFI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Joe gave me my Novice code test in a driving blizzard when I was a kid during a school snow day, I think it was. I had no idea at the time what a big deal that would be for him to take one of his cars out in the storm. I got my first call sign, KN2EFI as a result. That's what he was like. He remained a close friend to my brother Andy (WA2DKJ-SK) and virtually rescued my family when we lost Andy. He was a good person through and through and an amazing mentor to students in general and to hams young and old, including me. I miss you, Joe. RIP 88 - WA6EFI
    KB2FCV and NZ4X like this.

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