regarding the change in callsign due to my move in the call area west java to central java, please change my callsign from YD1DIO to YD2DIO. Thank you
Hello Helper , Would You like to Help me Change My Callsign and Registered at Data Base Call Book from YD0ASZ to YD0KCK Best Regards Thank You From YD0KCK
Kirimkan tiket masalah ke untuk meminta perubahan tanda panggilan dan nama pengguna. Setelah Anda menerima pemberitahuan bahwa hal tersebut telah selesai, logout dan kemudian log in kembali dengan menggunakan tanda panggilan baru sebagai nama pengguna Anda, namun dengan kata sandi yang sama dengan yang Anda gunakan sebelumnya. ------- Please submit a trouble ticket at to request a call sign and user name change. Once you receive notification that it has been completed, log out and then log back in using your new callsign as your username but with the same password you previously used.
Yes, simply submit a trouble ticket at to request a callsign and user name change. Once you receive notification that it has been completed, log out and then log back in using your new callsign as your username but with the same password you previously used.