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HamFests Near Williamsburg Va?

Discussion in 'Hamfest and Convention Calendar' started by KM4YIV, Oct 29, 2016.

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  1. KM4YIV

    KM4YIV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hey eeryone! I got my Technicians license a week or so ago(in the FCC database) and I am very new to all the events related to HAM radio. My only equipment so far consists of 2 Baofeng UV-5Rs. One to carry with me and one in my car connected to a mag mount roof antenna. I was talking to a very cool HAM last nght who told about about thensweet gear He picks up at Ham Fests and He sold ke on the idea. I was wondering if anyone here lives or near Rochmond, Williamsburg or Hampton Roads Virginia who could tell me about any Ham fests coming up? Thanks for having me here! Ive got so so much to learn but my entire life to do it and Im loving every day I get to do so.
  2. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You just missed the Va. Beach hamfest, in September usually held around the Neptune Festival. February is the Frost Fest in Richmond, usually held at the International Raceway.
  3. KM4YIV

    KM4YIV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks KB4QAA! I found a website that had them displayed. U fotunately I got my license in October and could justify going that far and buying gear when I didnt have my license yet. Im kinda bummed that I have to wait till Feb 2017 as Id really like to buy a used mobile rig and maybe a full home base station setup.
  4. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Join or attend some of the local club meetings. I'm sure you can scare up some equipment.
  5. KE4HTS

    KE4HTS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Frostfest is in a couple of months. You can really get a good deal on used equipment there. Charlottesville has a good active group, I think there is a list of gear for sale on their web site. Richmond has a couple of nice radio clubs that often have gear for sale, Gloucester has a good radio club, Hampton had a good group ( I think they still do). plenty of activity in your neck of the woods. Someone will be able to point you in the correct direction. However Frostfest will likely be your best deal.

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