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Ham Radio Shack Update - Electronics workbench

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KV5SIX, Nov 16, 2023.

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  1. KV5SIX

    KV5SIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    A quick tour of the newly renovated building that is now my ham shack. I thought y'all might like a tour. I would love suggestions about additional storage and organizational tips too. It's definitely a work in progress, but it's coming along.

    The previous owner actually lived in this tiny 12x28 building. We added on 12x15 carport enclosed to become my office and cut a walk-way through from one side to the other. I feel like I have 10 pounds of stuff but only a 5 pound bag to put it all in. :)

    Vern - KV5SIX




    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
    M7DUP, KI5CCI, NY4Q and 20 others like this.
  2. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice work, Vern.
    KV5SIX, KQ1V and TA1TRJ like this.
  3. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I like Gumby there, nice touch.
    KI5HSE and TA1TRJ like this.
  4. KV5SIX

    KV5SIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ha. I've had that bigger gumby for decades. LOL
    KQ1V and TA1TRJ like this.
  5. KV5SIX

    KV5SIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you buddy
    KQ1V and TA1TRJ like this.
  6. KC1RVK

    KC1RVK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now *THAT* is what I call a Ham Shack! Nicely done!
    W4DXL, N9MID, HB9EPC and 6 others like this.
  7. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    TOO neat; time to get it messy with projects:)
    N9MID, HB9EPC, KQ4GUI and 3 others like this.
  8. UT7UX

    UT7UX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Where's 'envy' button? I have only found 'like' one but hey, like is not enough! :)

    Yep, this!
    W4DXL, W3AEM and KQ1V like this.
  9. KV5SIX

    KV5SIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you so much! It's not done yet, but today we are pouring concrete for the 2nd tower. Lots going on. :)
    KQ1V and KC1RVK like this.
  10. KV5SIX

    KV5SIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree! Time to play and see how functional this place is. I'm sure I will reorganize a few dozen times in the coming months. LOL
    KQ1V and W1YW like this.
  11. KV5SIX

    KV5SIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you!
    UT7UX and KQ1V like this.
  12. KC1RVK

    KC1RVK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now the real question is, since this shack is something you never need to leave (bathroom, kitchen, etc.) when do you plan to see your family again?

    Seriously though, this is something I want to build for myself at some point. Inspiring me.
    K9AAV and KQ1V like this.
  13. KV5SIX

    KV5SIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Right! LOL My wife now wants my old shack (attached to the house). So I have to see her long enough to build her's out.

    There was a lady who lived in this tiny 12x28 building when we bought the property from her. Since then, we have used the building primarily for a storage unit. Then we closed in the carport that she had on the back of it (12x15) to make my office at home. Then we decided to make the interior of the building my new shack to give me an entire space all to myself. I swear I have 10 pounds of stuff and only a 5 pound bag to put it all in though. My wife (KR5SIX) now gets my old shack in the house. Her shack is actually larger than this space in terms of usable space. But like you said... I have a kitchen, a bed and a restroom with shower. I'm loving it!

    Thanks for the nice comments.

    KC1RVK likes this.
  14. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very nicely done!
    HB9EPC likes this.
  15. KV5SIX

    KV5SIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you!
    KQ1V likes this.

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