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Foundations of Amateur Radio - Episode 89

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK6FLAB, Feb 18, 2017.

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  1. KG5AJX

    KG5AJX Ham Member QRZ Page

    A few observations that I held back put I think I will put them out there (a few rants).

    1 - As a no code tech there are a bunch of mid to old timers that look down and think of us as nothing more than appliance operators
    -- Don't push us away, or be all high and mighty we find it offensive and it drives us away ( we also fix your computers )
    -- Instead of pushing us away, talk to us and we both can learn something

    2 - There are a bunch of hams that want to help but the newer equipment/technology/modes may be lost on them ( IRLP, echolink, dstar and such)
    -- The younger generation has lots to teach us
    -- I am teaching 2 kids who had zero interest until I showed them how to connect an HT to a RaspberryPi and it to their cell phone to use echolink for a QSO in Japan

    3 - Time, many people don't have time or the ability or willingness to make time to be an Elmer so many of us are on our own
    -- We as a society need to take a breath and relax a bit more

    4 - Bands, I am too new to understand the band plans 100% but I know where I can and can not transmit. I have a 4 bander in the truck, I get told all the time to not use the 10m as its not SSB ( see 1 above )
    -- I for one would like to bee allowed to us the strait FM 10 meter my radio has but it also drives me nuts to work on getting my General

    5 - Band conditions, not what they where 40 years ago when I first saw my first radio and watched my uncle work DX with an HT in Grandmas family room nor not what they where 20 years ago
    -- I think if we see the bands open a bit it will attract more people, or at least help drive the desire
    -- I made my first 2 meter DX QSO the other day, 170 miles away

    6 - CBer's, I know that they are looked down upon by many purists, I for one was one, I came up working 11 meter SSB and that experience to this day drives my push for my General
    -- I have a CB in my emergency kit along with 4 HT's and the ability to power it all, I live in Hurricane country and when we get one nothing works not even the repeaters

    7 - Public perception, if your seen with an HT your either seen as an authority figure or a maintenance guy, carry mine and use it as often as I can, I get real weird looks also
    -- I think the public perception is well... something we need to change

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