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Flexible, Interactive QRZ Log Display for Bio Page/Web Page

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by AD9DT, Jun 10, 2024.

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  1. AD9DT

    AD9DT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    I've recently developed server-side software (I'm calling it "MyLogView") that allows hundreds of QRZ logbook records to be displayed on a web page (including a QRZ Bio page! -- ie, no javascript used). The display is in a nice, scrollable, responsive tabular format (via iframe code snippet or via direct access URL for a full page display), The display is highly customizable, not only in the initial setup via query string parameters, but also allows viewers to "edit" the display on-the-fly by changing settings for multi-level sorting, column assignments and column order, and a variety of filters -- with a click of the "Update Display" button, the display immediately updates to reflect the desired customizations. This solution makes use of the QRZ Logbook API to fetch current records and display them as requested. Up to 16 different column fields can be displayed.

    I originally started developing this for my own use to overcome the shortcomings of the simple, fixed, and very limited QRZ Logbook widget that can be placed on a web page. During development, it struck me that this capability might be of interest to many hams/clubs who would like to have a much more powerful and flexible log display utility available. So, I made the decision to generalize the implementation so that anyone can make use of this display on their QRZ bio page or other personal/club web pages. Note that I have run this use case by QRZ headquarters (since the QRZ Logbook API is involved), and they've found it to be acceptable.

    Things are now in place to allow any QRZ XML-level subscriber to use this MyLogView utility (all hosted on AWS cloud services). I'm offering this at no charge at this point and I would like to see how much interest and acceptance there is in the QRZ community. If you would like to make use of this, I have set up this registration page where you can sign-up as well as see additional info and download the User Guide I've put together --- there is also a working demo of this display on the registration page and my AD9DT bio page (this demo gets its records from my AD9DT QRZ logbook and allows you to try out the on-the-fly Display Editor capabilties).
    If you complete and submit the registration form, I will then provide you with your iframe code, URL, and supporting info within a day or so (again, this is all free). For any new users, I would appreciate any feedback you might have on how well it fits your needs and any issues you may have encountered.

    If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post, message, or email me (email address is on my AD9DT bio page)

    Thanks much, and 73!
    Doug Rinker, AD9DT
  2. KF7WIS

    KF7WIS QRZ CEO QRZ HQ Staff Volunteer Moderator Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi there Doug,
    We always find it interesting to see new ideas that our subscribers come up with. We do want to note, to QRZ users considering using this tool, that giving your QRZ logbook's API key does give that person or entity full read and write privileges for the logbook.

    Thanks and 73
  3. AD9DT

    AD9DT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks Jaime... I'm hoping that some folks can make good use of this display capability.

    To Jaime's point about the API Key, I do want to emphasize that the script was carefully designed to use only a hard-coded FETCH operation (ie, read-only, no data modified) when calling the QRZ Logbook API -- this hard-coded approach for setting the action (as opposed to involving dynamic variables for setting the action) helps ensure that no other type of operation can be inadvertently performed. Also, the script involved is under my sole control and operates on a very secure AWS server.
    Of course, I'd always prefer not to have to ask for a key of any kind, but there is no way for a 3rd party app to display data from a QRZ logbook without it, as is the case with all other 3rd party log-related software that integrates with QRZ (to my knowledge).


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