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Fists Coast to Coast contest

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by NG7Z, Oct 6, 2005.

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  1. NG7Z

    NG7Z Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's just 3 weeks away. The 5th Annual Fists Coast to Coast contest. This year it’s scheduled for October 30th from 0000Z to 2400Z. That's 24 hours of Morse fun waiting for you. Contact as many Fists club stations on as many bands as possible. Full rules are at We have 21 clubs signed up so far. If you're a CW fan or even a CW newbie, this is a great way to try CW contesting. All the club stations will be manned (is that ok to say?) by experienced ops who will slow down for you. The Fists Coast to Coast contest is sponsored by K7FFF FISTS Northwest, an affliliated FISTS club.

    FISTS is the International Morse Preservation Society. Please visit for more info. Any questions please contact me at
    Paul Beringer NG7Z
    C2C manager
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