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Finally went to HAMCATION and had a great time!

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by WK4DS, Feb 12, 2024.

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  1. WK4DS

    WK4DS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello all,

    I posted erroneously before and called it Hamvention... my bad. I made a new post and corrected the title so it will reflect the right event. Maybe the moderators will take down the other one for me as I can not edit the mistakes in it.

    This is my first trip to Orlando to the Hamcation and I was impressed for the most part. It was on a scale I had never seen before coming from the Chattanooga area and all. I couldn't believe all the vendors that were there and some of the new items that are available now for your radio needs. The best part to me though is always the bone yard and these guys do no disappoint. There was a ton of stuff and lots of vendors, but it was a little confusing on how it was all laid out as there were what seemed like no real rhyme or reason to the positioning of the vendors at certain places. It was like it organically grew as people showed up...maybe that is what happened. If you have never been, it is worth going to see it at least once.

    Link below to my report and what I did for POTA as well. I kinda double dipped, read on to see how.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    W4LJ, KF0BBU, N3ZKI and 1 other person like this.
  2. N1CZZ

    N1CZZ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice pictures. I went with the YL and a new ham who purchased an 891.
    WK4DS likes this.
  3. WK4DS

    WK4DS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I did buy a radio in the boneyard. I got an ancient, home-brew 40m CW rig. I am looking forward to working some POTA parks with it soon.
    KF0BBU and N1CZZ like this.
  4. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Did you download the ARRL "Events" app? They crank it up for Hamcation every year...maps and a lot of other helpful information.
  5. WK4DS

    WK4DS Ham Member QRZ Page

    No, I didnt. I see now that it would have been VERY helpful though, thanks for the tip. I will be ready next time.
  6. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I believe they also activate the app for Hamvention. :)
    WK4DS likes this.
  7. WK4DS

    WK4DS Ham Member QRZ Page

    HAHA! I kinda have to go there now due to all the erroneous posts here recently by me about Hamcation and calling it that!!!
  8. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am thinking about going back "one more time." Haven't been since they moved from glorious, horrible, terrible, wonderful old Hara. :)

    I think we'll give it a pass this year. However, the XYL and I are doing Huntsville for sure.
    WK4DS likes this.

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