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2018 State of Ham Radio Survey

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Mar 3, 2018.

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  1. K2EZ

    K2EZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am really tired of the overt prejudice and blaming of the "other". There are some older hams that fit the stereotype, but I know quite a few that are neither particularly old (30s) nor licensed a particularly long time who are just as guilty of all the usual complaints. except perhaps not talking about their prostates.

    There are equally large number of experienced hams that engage in education and support of the newer hams, but it gets kind of hard when any less than positive feedback on something gets tossed in the "that is old ham nonsense" bin.

    I feel fanning the flames of conflict between generations of hams causes far more harm than just ignoring those that fit the negative stereotypes be them truly "older hams" or just that way at any age or experience.

    If I were to point to a number one problem in amateur radio it is this conflict that I see in forums such as this and on social media. This is something I rarely experience on the air. Perhaps that is because I dial past the problems.

    No matter what someone's attitude, their opinion is theirs and one always has the option that has been around forever and simply work around them. It seems pointless to expect them to change. Yet so often I've seen people want something different but seem to want someone else (often the person they see as the problem) do it for them.
    N2EY and KK5R like this.
  2. KK5R

    KK5R Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good thought. The ideal way is not to do it as a club venture lest, as you day, some stealthy perp could volunteer to chase someone down while laughing up his sleeve. However, if two or three guys who know each other well did it on the sly, unadvertised, the "correction/retribution" would be even more effective once it's done. This is not a matter of accumulating medals but of fixing the bands so they are usable/enjoyable by more hams without harassment. If this is done, we all gain by it.

    I much prefer talking to friends on ham radio without interference instead of sometimes thinking that what's going on is way too much like talking down a drain pipe. I also resent the idea that I must avoid certain hot spots when I show off the hobby.

    Not everyone is the same in the use of socially acceptable language by the majority. However, there is a whale of a lot more respect being extended to the immature actors than is being shown by them to the rest of us.

    Bottom line? Justification for Ham Radio includes furtherance of the hobby ("'contributing to the radio art") while expanding communications abilities. What we hear on 7200KHz , etc., does not do this.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2018
  3. N8RMA

    N8RMA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  4. N0HWJ

    N0HWJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    To Chip W1YW
    I agree and would suggest that you pick up the ball and run with it. Being 81 in January I some times get tired and need a nap in the afternoon. But I think your suggestion would work very well. I now know that Flex Radios can be worked almost from any where using I-Pad etc. What a superior way to follow up on my first suggestion, I expect it would be easer to implement your suggestion than a phone patch. It would be a big thing for a nursing home I am positive you would have a big audience. I would suggest you try it and see how it works.
    I guess you could visit a nursing home or assisted living area and find out if they have a ham or two or of course you could call fist.
    Please let me know what happens, I am very much interested to see how this all turns out. I will be listening on our Morning Nebraska Net. at 3982 at 7:30 AM CST
    to hear your first possible contact from a nursing home or at 6:30 PM same 3982 ( 80 Meters Phone)
    Another possibility would be to send me a e-mail to set up a sked on either 80 or 20 meter phone band ( General Portion) and then we could do a QSO with a ham in the home. Best of Luck Chip and 73s, Good DXing. N0HWJ

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