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ARRL Contest and DXCC Rules Now Prohibit Automated Contacts

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK3VM, Aug 27, 2019.

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  1. VK3VM

    VK3VM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi All,

    There has been a bit of discussion around re "automated contacts" and the ARRL's decision to "prohibit automated contacts" for the purposes of contests and awards.

    The main release can be found at:


    There is a bit of discussion (and clarification) emanating from the following sources:


    Just reporting the news !


    Steve I
    VK3VM / VK3SIR
    AK5B, MI0GTA, W8ESH and 2 others like this.
  2. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    All that back and forth over how much automation can be used in "contests", and even in "dxcc", and how to "cheat" and so on ....

    The right answer is that the way we have always done contests and various awards is obsolete; all based on what was very challenging 60, 80+ years ago, but now no longer such a big deal. Contest and award rules and objectives need to be revised and updated to keep up with modern amateur technologies.
    PY7RP, KT4RK, N2NOW and 3 others like this.
  3. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Its hard to see how automated technology--direct M2M-- need be showcased for DXCC, contests, and other awards.

    The only use--and it is an important one-- for such automation is for emergency communication, and perhaps for propagation work. Others? Like to see your thoughts. None of these are contest nor award oriented.

    No one said that M2M in ham radio isn't valuable.

    What the ARRL is saying is that its place is not in skill--oriented activities such as awards and contests, where the operator is tested, honed, and gains experience. No revision needed, so concluded.

    Many do not know that--now-- you can get on EBay, buy a program for $19, and turn your FT8 station into an operator less (M2M) station.

    Chip W1YW
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2019
    N2RRA, AK5B, K4DXG and 5 others like this.
  4. N8OHU

    N8OHU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Only bulletin type stuff should be automated and should be readily decodable ; relays or other messaging should remain manual start.
    N2RRA, K4DXG, W7XLR and 3 others like this.
  5. AC7DD

    AC7DD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Is not RATT automation? Perhaps with OLE. If there is some manual determination of proper frequencies, then it is not automated, in my book. We already have RTTY contests, but I fail to see the drive to add JTn protocols to the contest mix. Do they not have QSO parties? LOL
  6. NK9Y

    NK9Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Some folks enjoy brazing up a stack of beer cans, adding a counterpoise, then firing under a watt to it. And FT 8 doing its thing, picking up signals around the world, 40 db under the noise floor. You go to town shopping, while your station racks up the contacts. When you get back home, you discover that you have already worked 100 countries. Or did YOU? If this is exciting to you, fine.

    As for me? Ears digging out signals just at the noise floor, with a half mile long beverage on 160, and my fist, making the contacts? That IS me. Understand one thing, I'm NOT constantly sending my call. I AM however, carefully stalking my prey. Listening for a pattern of the DX, and hearing the pileup, learning from what they are doing. Suddenly the gray line is in my favor, and one, or two calls later, it's in the log! That is my personal idea of skill/fun.

    Synopsis: With so many aspects of this hobby, there is plenty of room for all. I'll do my thing, you do yours, and the DXCC desk will do theirs.
    N2RRA, AK5B, N0UZN and 17 others like this.
  7. N6UBO

    N6UBO Ham Member QRZ Page


    I agree 100%!

    Its time we actually talked to each other. We have enough ways to ignore people.
    N2RRA, AK5B, K4XJ and 9 others like this.
  8. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    "... direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact."

    So, are CW, PSK, etc. macros no longer allowed? What really constitutes an "auto contact"? ANY machine code doing the typing/keying?

    IMO, much ado about nothing. SO WHAT if people use computers to auto-populate their logs. Doesn't make your manually acquired awards any more or less noteworthy.
    KD0QG and KK5JY like this.
  9. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Some of us didn't get into this hobby to talk to people. I have a telephone for that. I'm more into the tech than learning about the ailments of old-farts.
    KC1DR, AC3DB, KE8KOH and 5 others like this.
  10. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I resent that Derogatory statement about "US Old farts"!
    But I guess you can call us "old guys" that and get away with it, we're the only group in America that's not protected by some equal rights movement.
    NN5AA, N2RRA, AK5B and 15 others like this.
  11. G3SEA

    G3SEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Another Amen ! :cool:

  12. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you talked to me you would surmise that----

    I am almost 65 and take no prescriptions.

    I don't drink more than a sip of beer or wine--on rare occasions..

    I am not toying with opioid OD.

    I am not divorcing my third wife (still on the first).

    I don't cruise the stairs worrying about breaking my hip.

    My house companion is not named 'fluffy' nor 'freckles' nor 'pretty bird'.

    I don't dream about the next early bird special at Denny's.

    I do not have a flatulence problem, nor a constipation problem.

    My hardware works--FB.

    I just finished a 25 mile bike ride.

    I don't sing down a key to accommodate 'experience'.

    I don't pine for the old days.

    So ---frac(tal) you good buddy! What can you possibly say that would be interesting to someone my age(=wisdom and experience)?

    Why should I(or others as above) talk to you!

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
    KG5DRV, N2NOW, N2SUB and 6 others like this.
  13. NK4K

    NK4K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, ARRL gets it backwards once again. They might have made contests and awards for automated contacts instead of banning them. New contests and awards would amount to inbound $$ from a hugely popular (read: hugely profitable) mode. Perhaps dues could have been reduced.

    Unfortunately, many DX'ers and contesters earn awards without being able to cash them in, e.g. 9 band DXCC. It doesn't exist currently.

    No prob, Bob. Soon as ARRL loses all its boomer membership to mortality and leaves a beautiful building behind, someone else will take over with an updated name and updated thinking. Plaid shirts and scruffy, white beards will be banned. "Wouff Hong"? "... Relay League"? $50/year membership? Banned automated contacts? All are part of a long list of out-of-date concepts to be abandoned.

    To save research: I'm almost 65, have been in the hobby off and on since 1964, am a mostly disgruntled long-time ARRL member, have CW awards, and have worked in engineering management disciplines the whole time (when of-age), except after retiring at age 43.

    I honor and enjoy the old but prefer the new; however, I do not regularly drive a 1914 car either!
    KG5JST, AC7DD and K0UO like this.
  14. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Being a bit of a misanthrope, I'm quite fine if they don't. Otherwise they might rattle off some list of details about themselves I'd rather not hear (or read.)

    It's entirely up to you to choose to believe it's derogatory. Or not.
  15. NK9Y

    NK9Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Chip, I needed a good laugh today!
    K0UO and W1YW like this.

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