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POTA's Big Announcement: NEW Parks on the Air Plaque Event

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Feb 22, 2023.

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  1. K1GC

    K1GC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Having seen many differing & strong opinions about POTA and WARC bands, I had been unsure what the correct answer was about this is. I stayed off these bands for POTA/SOTA, but finally decided to just ask the IARU for their position on the subject. At least up until last September when I inquired, POTA/SOTA was viewed by IARU not as a contest, but comparable to a special event station or DXpedition. The latter examples area allowed on the WARC bands and their position at that time included POTA/SOTA as allowed activity on WARC bands. This is specific to regular POTA/SOTA activity and not the contest which the subject of this thread. As noted already, the contest activity should not be on these bands.

    I am certainly no expert on this, but thought I would pass along the information IARU shared.
    N9RVB, K1CWB, KE8QJV and 2 others like this.
  2. K5LN

    K5LN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I don't believe this is a good time to have this event being three weeks prior to the ARRL Field Day activity, which is the same idea but in a group activity not an individual activity it's just not world wide. Having this new activity at that time will keep people from participating in the group Field Day activity because it's so close to that time frame. I won't ask the obvious question why that time and so close to Field Day? I'm sure that did come up?

    Amateur radio doesn't have to always be a competition! It was never about that, but it has become that for what ever the reasons which there are many today.

    This event would probably work better at a different time frame not so close to an already major Ham Radio in the Americas. Why not three weeks after Field Day?

    I certainly hope the though of doing this activity in the preparation time frame for Field Day was not to use this to push Field Day out of the Ham radio picture? But just an error in poor judgement in selecting that time.

    Bad idea during that time frame!
  3. KK5NM

    KK5NM Ham Member QRZ Page

  4. W1SRR

    W1SRR Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why couldn't they do both?
    AE0Q, K3AX and KD8ZM like this.
  5. W0FLZ

    W0FLZ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    And in true contest fashion for this event they are excluding the WARC bands. Unlike the day to day operations where POTA is no different than WAS, DXCC or County Hunting which are just fun ham activities that are enjoyed across all authorized bands..

    KE8QJV and W9EBE like this.
  6. KK4Z

    KK4Z XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've been weaning myself from POTA because it became less fun.
    W1XQ likes this.
  7. KI4DRA

    KI4DRA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    As an activator or hunter (less fun)? Yes, I've gotten into it this year, and at times there are huge pile-up's. At times I can hear the stress of the activators trying to keep up, and at times I hear the stress of the hunters who yell out their call sign time after time waiting to be heard. I love the competition, but what kind of annoys me is the activators who go on the hunt. They just yell out "Park to Park, and they generally get preference, and it usually takes a lot longer for the QSO because they have to confirm park numbers. However, all in all, there are tons of parks being activated and tons of hunters, so the hobby is really taking off nicely.
    KD8ZM likes this.
  8. N0IMJ

    N0IMJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Disclaimer: Most of the time, I have no idea what I'm talking about. That being said, I think an objective of POTA was to 1) draw attention to the wonderful parks out there, and 2) increase the activity on the amateur bands.. Amateur radio's purpose is emergency preparedness - thankfully not need by most of us. So, in the meantime there are fun things like POTA, Field Day, QSO Parties, casual rag chews, etc to keep us as busy and involved as we desire. Some are contesters. Others, like me, not so much. So what is a little competition once a year going to really hurt? There are going to be lids no matter what idea is proposed and implamented. Like FT8, you don't have to participate if it doesn't appeal to you. Go to a park, build a campfire, roast some dogs and have an 807 as an alternative.
    AE8EM, WA7RAR, WQ1C and 5 others like this.
  9. KA4KOE

    KA4KOE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Pass on this event. I think the leadership has made a very bad decision.
  10. K0WML

    K0WML XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    That would be at 7200Khz
    K3AX and KD8ZM like this.
  11. WA0LJM

    WA0LJM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think the activity is just fine as is. Would not make any changes.
    Dave J......WAOLJM
    KE8QJV and K7GYB like this.
  12. ON4VT

    ON4VT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes POTA did shameless
    W6LEN likes this.
  13. ON4VT

    ON4VT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Join us at WWFF/KFF , the original parks program. See and
    Probably loads of awards are already waiting for you.
    Work DX when activating parks, spot yourself in the WWFF dxcluster and a bunch of EU chasers will call you!
    73 44 ON4VT [​IMG]
    AE0Q, AD5HR and W6LEN like this.
  14. K1GC

    K1GC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Would like to do more with WWFF, and I am happy to be spotted and called by WWFF folks (much appreciated). However, the 44 contacts required for WWFF is a barrier, and I have yet to bother submitting a log. For those of us that treat POTA activations more like a SOTA activation, it isn't a good fit.
  15. ON4VT

    ON4VT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You always have to upload your logs, even if you have no 44 QSO's. But I don't think 44 QSO might be a barrier with the conditions as they are now. I see KFF activators with 100 and more QSO in the log. It's just a different approach of activating ... FYI I have almost 1900 KFF parks chased from here in W-EU ... If conditions are OK (now 10 and 15m are good) you will have the 44 quota only with EU chasers ...
    W6LEN likes this.

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