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Long Time Teacher Retiring

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB9ZLL, Nov 27, 2002.

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  1. KB9ZLL

    KB9ZLL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello to all fellow hams. Many of us got into ham radio in many different ways. Some discovered it from a friend, or a family member. But, others of us got interested in High School, probably form a teacher we had that may have had a license.

    One in particulay in Fond du Lac, WI was getting people interested in electronics, telecomunication, and Ham radio for 30 + years.

    Jeff Hoeft (K9NC) will be retiring at the end of this year, and it brings to the end a special person who has gotten many people to get and upgrade their license, including myself. Keeping people in Ham Radio starts when they are curious about everything, and in High Schools across the country, ham shacks are going up to get kids interested.

    If any one out there had Mr. Hoeft for Electronics, and/or got their license form his insprations, drop him a line, by looking up his call, K9NC.

    I also take this time to note that he will unfortunetly take our High School Club call with him, WB9PNL. From our station for the last 25 years, we have made numerous satelight,  DX, regular HF and VHF contacts.

    Keeping High school stations on the air, and getting new ones in schools around the world is a great way to attract new hams! It's worked here in Fond du Lac for 30 years, it should work around the world as well.

    Thank your for your service, and dedication to keeping the hobby alive Mr. Hoeft!

    Student Fondy High School
  2. KB9ZLL

    KB9ZLL Ham Member QRZ Page

    [​IMG] Just making this right. I've done some leg work since this was posted, and have discovered that it is possible for myself to take charge of our call WB9PNL. So it will be on the air, at lesast until FEB. of 2005.

  3. AB0QW

    AB0QW Ham Member QRZ Page


    Thank you for the well thought out post.  It certainly caused me to re-visit my roots in amateur radio.  My High School electronics teacher also brought many young people into the world of ham radio.  Bob Gruba, WB9OQL, taught Vocational Electronics at Galesburg (Illinois) Senior High School.  He taught several of us the art of Morse code along with the fundamentals of radio.  Bob administered my novice exam.  Later, he encouraged many of us to study and practice in order to upgrade; he inspired us to go to the FCC Field Office and take the Technician and General exams.  

    That was in 1978 and it took me until just a few years ago to renew and upgrade.  However, I am ever grateful for Bob's willingness to elmer students in this great hobby.  Yes, there were many others that helped me get started and provided a lot of encouragement.  However, Bob was that special teacher who took the extra time to help students develop the potential that he saw in them.  Thank you, Mr. Gruba.

    Bob Kidder
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