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Improving 40 m performance of my EFHW Antenna

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by VU2JO, Feb 22, 2024.

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  1. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Performance of the EFHW which I had installed recently was suboptimal on 40 m, though it was good on 20 m and 10 m. After getting a lot of advice from fellow hams both on air and online, I made some modifications in the layout of the EFHW. First I removed the counterpoise wire which had been connected to the ground outside my shack. Secondly I lowered the position of the balun to about 10 feet from the ground and anchored it to my compound wall fence with a nylon rope of about 2 m length so that it was away from the iron frame of the compound fence. Lowering of the balun gave me option of removing most of the zig-zag orientation of the antenna wire. Now it is almost an asymmetric inverted V configuration, mounted on a 16 feet non conducting pole fixed to my balcony with total height from ground of about 26 feet. VSWR spread on 40 m band came down from 2.6-1.9 to 2.25-1.4.


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