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How Bout A LIttle Help Here ( or what contest!)

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, Apr 1, 2001.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    n6ajr writes "So I decided to try a contest or two. I tried to find some info on how to start. I can find lots of scores for past contest, tips for maximising your score for a contest, but not a thing on getting started in a contest. Ya'll need to help out here. If I am at a loss, then I am sure there are many others in the same leaky boat as me.

    First I need to know how to get my radio to talk to my computer. They sit right next to each other but share abosutely nothing. Where does one find the proper cable and how do ya hook it up? Is there a good web site that explains this?

    Next I need to know about setting up a Logging program. I understand there are lots of shareware loggers out there, but they all assume that I know what to do to start with. Does any one have a favorite, and why, and where do I find it? Can the program get the info from the radio connection and put it on the logging program for me, I don't type so good. How do I do this.

    Where do I find out about the contest and what are the rules for this particular one. Are all contests pretty much the same, or not? This would also probably be a good place to find out what to do with the logs I made in the contest. Do we send QSL card to the other contesters, or EQSL, or what. How do I submit my log.

    What do I do while in a contest, how do I call, how do I log, what is a minimum QSO for the contest. Is there different times it is better to operate or just go till I drop from exhaustion. Are these trade secrets?

    Remember, the more of us you can get to start contesting, the more of us there is for you to contact during the contest. But you have to tell us enough so we can actually paricipate properly and submit the necessary verification. I think I would really like to give contesting a try, if I can figure out how to start. I'm not a stark beginer, I originaly got my license in the mid 1970's, and have upgraded recently. I have a HF radio, a computer, some antennas, lots of electricity ( even if I live in 6 land) and used to work for Uncle Sam for 8 years in electronics,( shhh, secret stuff), and know which end of the soldering iron NOT to grab. I'm in my 50's and am not totaly decrepited so I might be able to do a contest or two.

    What I need from you is a little how to, a web site or two to find the info, a couple of names for books that might apply, some good advice, some hints and tricks of the trade, and some of your knowledge. I promise to repay you 3 fold in the warm and fuzzy feelings you get from helping others, Remember its about PEOPLE, not just radios. Next we shall try the same thing on PACKET, whate ever that may be. Same problem on this end, lack of knowledge.

    So the next transmission I want to have starts " CQ Contest , CQ Contest N6AJR calling CQ Contest.....""
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