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Ham Radio - The easy way to program memories on the IC-7300. Quick tip.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB7TBT, Feb 13, 2020.

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  1. K4NCO

    K4NCO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Video has been removed :(
  2. W4AEE

    W4AEE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Larry- The advanced "Full" manual is at this URL: Download it. 35MB.

  3. W6SFG

    W6SFG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Look it up on your band map and think about it. It is a channelized ( 5 USB /CW ) channels between 75 Meters and 40 meters limited to 100 watts ERP and a "best kept secret" It's a great phone/cw & FT8 band. With a modest antenna and 50 watts depending on propagation you can work between 200 Miles 20 1500 miles regularly and lots of DX is possible.
  4. WA2LXB

    WA2LXB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yep...sadly there are Hams who blast away on 60M using FT8 or unmonitored PACTOR, hogging a channel for hours, and I doubt they realize that 60M is available to Hams only on a secondary basis. How is an unmonitored station going to know to get off the band when it's needed for EMCOMM or other government purposes?
    K0UO likes this.
  5. AE8K

    AE8K Ham Member QRZ Page

    I program a lot of frequencies. Some nets and calling frequencies like 28.4, skcc, etc. w1aw frequencies, and so on.
    WN1MB likes this.
  6. YO3DAM

    YO3DAM Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's been a while and hope everything is clear now.
    If not: the settings are for each HF band, not one setting for all bands including Carrier Power. And the explanation is so simple and depends on your antenna. If you got it right on resonance and SWR on 20m band and it's wrong on 10m or 40m you may still use it with low power.
    And the settings stay in the memory for each band.
    Same with preamp or attenuation, or with the working mode (SSB, CW etc). Why should a janitor from ICOM will do one setting for all bands when they are so different?
    It comes from practice. And practice is good for you also.
    Got it?

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