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Get your malagasy call sign 5R

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by IK5ZUI, Aug 1, 2020.

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  1. IK5ZUI

    IK5ZUI Ham Member QRZ Page

    You can obtain a malagasy call sign 5R for a future DXpedition in Madagascar or for your collection. Madagascar is full of tourists from different countries.
    Today you can have your malagasy call sign in less than 20 days!
    The authority for telecommunications of Madagascar haven’t agreement with foreign countries and is not possible to use 5R/your call.

    obtain you 5R call sign in less time than usual;
    obtain a customized call sign with no expiration, if available;
    obtain your 5R license before flying to Madagascar;
    not mandatory annual fees: just for the issue of your call sign and if you’ll operate with you 5R call sign;
    direct support.

    If you apply now for your 5R call sign you can have a customized suffix if available, with no expiration date. No mandatory fees: just if you’ll use you call sing in Madagascar.
    Available suffixes are with 2 letters like 5R8IO or 5R8UI: suffixes with just a letter are not available.

    Paperworks needed (via email):
    copy of your passport;
    copy of your amateur radio license;
    application for the call sign;
    application for using an amateur radio station in Madagascar;
    copy of the 1st page and the specifications of your transceiver’s manual (mandatory in order to obtain your call sign, but is not mandatory to use the same transceiver in Madagascar).

    If you want to apply for your 5R call sign or if you need more informations feel free to contact us via email:

    73 de IK5ZUI & 5R8UI Michele Imparato
    K8PG likes this.
  2. AH7I

    AH7I Ham Member QRZ Page

    You had my interest until, "full of tourists". The last place I want to go is someplace full of tourists. Is there an off season when the tourists stay away?
    My friend lived in 5R early 1980s. Shoe got a guinea worm!
    73, -Bob ah7i
  3. NE2NE

    NE2NE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't be such a downer
  4. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Stepped on it?
  5. AH7I

    AH7I Ham Member QRZ Page

    "She". My typing can always improve :)
    She has a photo at the market with the "worm winder" and reports that extracting the adult work requires skill and practice. Thanks to Jimmy Carter's group, the skill is no longer in demand.

    73, -Bob ah7i
    WR2E likes this.
  6. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I googled that worm and was sorry I did! That's some nasty parasite!
  7. IK5ZUI

    IK5ZUI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Madagascar is not full of tourists, and I think will be not also in the future. I'm interested in propose a DXspedition to the amateurs radio they want discover the country. And get a 5R8 call sign could be not so easy!!!
  8. IK5ZUI

    IK5ZUI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here a short list of call signs available:


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