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7P8EI, Lesotho Dxpedition

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by EA1CS, Sep 9, 2023.

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  1. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  2. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    26 marzo

    El Grupo EIDX se enorgullece de apoyar las actividades de Radio Scouting y YOTA . Hoy, el equipo dio la bienvenida a algunos Scouters sudafricanos a la estación 7P8EI.
    The EIDX Group is proud to support Radio Scouting and YOTA activities on Ham Radio. Today, the team welcomed some South African Scouters to the 7P8EI station.

    7p8ei jamboree.jpg
  3. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    29 marzo @14.00z

    El equipo 7P8EI pasa a QRT hoy (aproximadamente a las 18:00 UTC)
    Muy pronto diremos 73 de esta maravillosa parte de África.
    The 7P8EI team go QRT later today (approx 18:00 UTC)
    Very shortly we’ll be saying 73 from this wonderful part of Africa.

    7p8ei team 2.jpg

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