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Helping Hands,Guide The Way....

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, Jan 19, 2001.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    KB3FUH writes …

    "I am a fairly new ham. I come from A CB family, always growing up around truckers, and then for some reason I got interested in amateur radio, I would have never guessed the amount of support I have received from other hams.

    On the air I hear hams lending equipment and sharing information, I love it I remember when I used to fire up my CB and ask for help, very rarely would I get help. In the ham community everyone helps each other...When I become a little older at being a ham I plan on returning the favor. I just wanted to say thanks for all the great help I have received over the air, and over the net, and FOR ALL THE HAMS OUT THERE TO CONTINUE THE SUPPORT...

    73 DE KB3FUH"
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