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Friend and fellow Amateur Bob Elsinger, VE6UX SK

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KW2E, Jan 4, 2019.

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  1. KW2E

    KW2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It is with a heavy heart that I tell the amateur community here on QRZ that avid ham radio enthusiast, park chaser and all around great guy, Bob Elsiner, VE6UX lost his battle with cancer and passed away Thursday morning 1/3/2019. :(

    Bob has been a fixture for many in the amateur community and has worked, helped and mentored so many. The absence of his signals on the bands are felt by all of his friends, and will be forever.

  2. W0IS

    W0IS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bob was in my log many times. When I did a QRP activation of a park, he always managed to to pull me out and give me a QSO. He'll be missed.

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