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160 Meters Inverted L Project - Small town lot antenna

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by K9EI, Dec 25, 2020.

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  1. K9EI

    K9EI Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Check out my new 1/4 wave "L" for top-band, with 1:1 choke and static discharge resistor network.

    NY4Q, AA5BK, KB9SNL and 1 other person like this.
  2. N0YPD

    N0YPD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice video Matt,a project for 160 I have been putting off. I am curious about the noise with an inverted L. Hope to catch you on 160 to hear how well it works.
    K0UO likes this.
  3. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great job
    Get on the air and make a bunch of QSOs
    I hope to work you spon
    K9EI likes this.
  4. K9EI

    K9EI Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    Thanks for watching. It was a fun one for sure. I didn't show the potato cannon but 80psi shoots spuds over the tops of my 70' trees! As far as noise is concerned, your results will vary depending on where you live. I am in a smaller town, but with the hustle and bustle of a city.

    For the sake of 160M RX comparison, my ZS6BKW which is not resonant reads S3-S5 noise floor, but when I go to the vertical L it jumps to S8. Many people like to use a separate RX antenna which is my plan down the road. Along with 60 more radials......

  5. N0YPD

    N0YPD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have a full size 160 dipole which has noise around S5 to S7 now,and I am looking for better of course.
    K9EI likes this.
  6. K9EI

    K9EI Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I would try a RX antenna if you would like to reduce noise. Many have success with loops on the ground in combination with a high quality low-noise pre-amp. When 160 is in good shape in the evening, I have fun riding the RF gain to take out some of the noise. It works pretty well on my TS-570.

    The inverted L will give you better low angle radiation than the dipole, depending how efficient you can make it. Some mount their 160 dipole antennas in a inverted V, or a lazy V(V with one end close to the ground, and the other 60' up, but the radiation is still in the middle of the antenna). Then you don't have to play with matching networks or radials. You'll get high efficiency and vertical radiation patterns. But, if you don't have the real estate to do large antennas then the L makes sense. It's cheap and effective. Elevated radials are more efficient then ground radials, but are more critical to cut to resonance. Having 4 elevated is like having 64 on the ground for comparison.

    Good luck with the noise issue. I have some funky noise around here on 160 that I haven't had time to search out. Until I do I just deal with it.

    AA5BK and N0YPD like this.
  7. AA5BK

    AA5BK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very nice. I am using magnetic loops for receive, so the noise is not a concern. For now I have no plans to exceed 100 Watts. I am even looking for a good quality 100W linear amplifier, which may not make sense to some as it is for a 100 Watt rig .:cool: I love stuff like this, thanks for posing! On a side note, I also have a fence like that, running out of 2 by 4s to prop it up. :eek:
  8. DJ9UN

    DJ9UN Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well done
    K9EI likes this.
  9. NY4Q

    NY4Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very good Matt; hope to work you soon on the top band.
    K9EI likes this.

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