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Trying out the Radiowavz EFH 20 (End Fed Half Wave)

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by W5KV, Jul 7, 2018.

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  1. W5KV

    W5KV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Greeting QRZ,

    End Fed Half Wave antennas have been on my mind recently, and i've been researching quite a few websites like AA5TB on how to build my own, but I came across this one from Radiowavz at Hamcom last month, and had to grab it so I could experiment a bit more with them while I learn how to build the matching network myself.

    After a bit of research, it seems there are multiple ways of matching, i.e. coax capacitor, ceramic disc capacitor, and i've seen the variable butterfly type as well. It will be interesting to experiment with different types.

    The EFH 20 from Radiowavz is a nice portable antenna (after I swapped out the wire). I'll have to try it in some different configurations, but this antenna will complement my recently acquired FT-891 that doesn't have a tuner forcing me to use resonant antennas ;) not a bad thing though!

    Please enjoy this video presentation of the EFH 20 from SignalSearch, hope y'all enjoy!

    N5SMO likes this.

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