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New Dual Band Mobile Breaks $250 Barrier

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KK0SD, Aug 22, 2012.

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  1. WA8LGM

    WA8LGM Ham Member QRZ Page


    What a specious argument! That there is a possibility that the radio might be used to jam a commercial or government radio frequency. If that were the problem, there would be no radios for sale in any country to anyone; because ANY radio can be made into a jamming radio, all it takes is a little technical knowledge. But, then again, these are arguments that have been promulgated by others in the past, mostly in these forums, by less than technically knowledgeable hams who just want to stir the pot a little.

    NO radio for two way communcations can be sold in the United States unless they meet the specifications for the radio service that they are certified for. FYI: There is no need for certification for Amateur Radio use except for certification of compliance for Part 15, otherwise necessary certification ain't.

    Also, the argument about FMN, is not applicable to Amateur Radio, because hams are not operating under Part 90 Rules. They are not included in the FCC's upgrade for VHF/UHF. The rules say for any radio above 150 MHz to 480 Mhz, excluding ham radio and ham radio is not Part 90, at least it wasn't the last time I checked.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  2. KA9MOT

    KA9MOT Ham Member QRZ Page

    And their new model VHF/UHF rigs..... well, it's a knock off anyway.
  3. KA9MOT

    KA9MOT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gray area there I think. The radio is capable of Part 90 Frequencies. Does the fact that it is capable of Part 90 frequencies mean certification is required? Or is it only required if the radio is sold for use on Part 90 frequencies?

    What about MURS, FRS, GMRS? All of these are with-in it's capabilities.

    Export CBs are sold here, require certification that they can not get, which means they are sold illegally. They are used illegally on CB, yet hams are allowed to use them on the Ham bands....another gray area I think. If it can't be sold here, how can a ham legally use one. Ham gear does not require certification, and that allows us to re-purpose or build radios for our own use. I think that was the original intent.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  4. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's like asking a lunch-room of kids to talk about the same thing. Perhaps you should have been moderating 120 posts ago if you wanted a controlled subject!
  5. KK0SD

    KK0SD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Old Song New Players

    I suspect if there would have been a QRZ 30-40 years ago. The thread would have looked the same, except it would have been about the Japanese radios.

    Something to the effect of -- "I'm sticking with Hammarland - none of that Japanese junk for me" --

    Just a thought.

    Joe kk0sd
  6. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, no. It politics and policies, not ethnicity and heritage. If PRC was capitalist we would not be having this thread. Instead it is communist--'State Capitalism' and makes the U.S. pay for the 'machine'--without reasonable reciprocity.

    BTW someone mentioned the rare earth market--PRC dumped the price so much that they now have a monopoly.

    Chip W1YW
  7. EA4TA

    EA4TA Guest

    Yep. The infamous 'potato microphone'. Most uncomfortable mic ever.

    Well, at least it sounds good. MC-45D (which was way better) knock offs from China look the same, but sound awful.
  8. W0IW

    W0IW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    When they can build a amazing
    low cost hf rig i will take 5 seconds to look at them...
  9. N8JWB

    N8JWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are 100% correct, everyone is selling Chinese goods to compete with Wally World (Walmart). Once the economic collapse happens (2016) we will all wish we stuck to American made. But I yelled about this in the 1970's and was ignored, in the 1980's people just played stupid and sucked up all the Chinese jink they could while whining about poor quality. In the 90's they whines more while picking over USA Made goods to save a dollar. Now that we see the effect of no manufacturing jobs, the masses now say they buy Chinese to save money because their manufacturing job went overseas and they have less pay now working at a plastics factory. Well guess what the plastics industry is leaving too now.

    Finally I grew tired of the 40 years of warning people, that it's simple economics 101, manufacturing is the only function that "creates" wealth, all other jobs just adds costs, or as I call it they are redistribution of wealth industries.

    The next 4 years we are going to see utter failure of this country unless we wake up.

    I make sure I buy American made if possible, sadly it's getting next to impossible, so I hit garage sales more often these days to avoid foreign made goods when it's impossible to find US made in stores. Unlike most homes you will find very few Chinese made things here. Yes I miss out on a lot of new technology junk, but so be it.

  10. KG4RRN

    KG4RRN Ham Member QRZ Page

    This looks like a Kenwood pawn radio ripoff. I bet it doesn't last more than 6 months before the TX
    dies in it or it gets a spike and the programming gets out of whack.
    It is ash ame like real rock n' rollers we can't have real well built radios anymore, so after the stone ages re-appear,
    We can finally build our own,(don't know, better learn how to quickly) just like the Russians have been doing for years, and will continue to do if the garbage piles permit that ,after all is said and done. Heil Socialism and the great population degredation plan, of our dear leader O-soma...
    I've got a new business plan for Radio Shack --sell all Chinese radios and compete with Best Buy, we'll let them fight it out to see who wins the most profit...
  11. N1WT

    N1WT Ham Member QRZ Page

    All of this is correct however I would like to point out that this is the same sentiment received by Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu when they first started selling products here. The Chinese will get it right after a few tries. Motorola manufactures public safety stuff Asia and I am sure China will have a piece of that pie soon if they don't already. Like it or not those dudes have embraced capitalism in a big way!
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