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K6UIM, Gary Parks, Passed away February 1, 1976

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by 4Z1UG, Mar 7, 2014.

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  1. 4Z1UG

    4Z1UG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Gary Parks, K6UIM, passed away on February 1, 1976, at the age of 32. Gary was a neighbor on the block, in Whittier, California, my first "Elmer" who hooked me on Amateur Radio as a boy. His untimely passing was never mentioned any any ham publications, and Internet records of his existence and contributions do not exist. I hope to right this wrong with his entry.

    I found a record of his license in 1960, making him a 17 year old ham at that time. I can only surmise that his interest in ham radio started early in his life and by the time of his passing, he had been an active ham for almost 20 years.

    I remember his Henry Tempo 1 mounted next to the passenger seat of his car. Gary enjoyed operating 40 meters from the car and later added an Icom two meter mobile for use on the local Los Angeles repeaters. He also operated SSB from the house using a 4BTV antenna on the roof. While I had an interest in electronics from early childhood, it was Gary's encouragement towards Amateur Radio that has made this hobby one of my life long passions.

    Gary was an accomplished medical doctor and was working at the UCLA medical center at the time of his death. He was survived by his parents and a brother.

    Rest in peace, Gary. I apologize that this entry was not made sooner. May your memory be for a blessing.

    Submitted by: Eric Guth, WA6IGR / 4Z1UG
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