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Ham in a day class free!!!!

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by K3WS, Nov 16, 2012.

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  1. W3GFD

    W3GFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    At this point we have 98 people signed up for the session. Going to be fun.
  2. K0RGR

    K0RGR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I teach a two day Technician Class. In 2013, I plan to do it four times, and try at least two different formats. It seems like about 50% of my prospective students can't make it to Saturday classes, and the other 50% can't do classes during the week, so maybe if I do it both ways, we'll get more students. The class is about 16 hours for Technician - I usually do it as two 8 hour Saturdays back to back. This year, I will do it as four 4-hour sessions during the week, too.

    I do not teach to the test in these classes. I cover all the material in the License Manual to the point where I think everybody understands it. It's much easier to learn the material than to memorize questions and answers when you have a live instructor. I leave it to the students to study the questions on their own, and we usually have about 10 days between class and VE exam. I try to impart some basic skills, like programming a radio and soldering coax connectors, and now that I'm doing the classes in my home, it's easy to get on the air and demonstrate things. I can do the Tech and General together in about 18 hours, but that's pushing things, and is a big step for people coming from no background at all.

    I have a signup sheet on our web site, which is how I've been getting prospects lately. Last year, when I got three people signed up to do the class, I scheduled one. This year, I am going back to pre-announced classes, so we can advertise them better.

    No, ham radio is not for everybody. I really try to emphasize the hobby aspect of it. Still, EMCOMM and Prepping seem to be big draws, as is SKYWARN around here. I think that's been the case for a really long time, but it was never really front and center decades ago. We've got a lot of good hams who got into it only for those aspects, but soon learned that to be able to do public service or emergency work, they had to 'do the hobby' too, and many find that they enjoy it. Providing real service involves more than just being able to yack on the radio. Ideally, hams are the 'radio people' who can help with all manner of wireless stuff for emergencies and non-emergency public service events.
  3. K3WS

    K3WS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you for another great post. I simply can not wait to see how this event turns out. Last count over 100 attending. Stay tuned for results from the team!!!! Tom K3WS (note: I am just a messenger and I really want to help spread the news)
  4. W5TTW

    W5TTW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    ham.jpg Sorry. Couldn't resist.

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  5. K3WS

    K3WS Ham Member QRZ Page

    This just in. over 117 attending.... thank you for spreading the word....
  6. K3WS

    K3WS Ham Member QRZ Page

    From Brian KB3ORS... Now an EXTRA Class
    [h=5]I'd like to thank all who helped with the Warren County RACES Ham In A Day class yesterday. We had an amazing turn out. 101 yes One Hundred One participants. 63 of those successfully passed there technician level exam. Please check out Warren County RACES face book page for photos, further updates, and stories. We are asking any Elmers willing to, sign up on our Warren-HIAD yahoo groups page, help continue their education and interest in the hobby. Congratulations to Bob N3MWD, Lisa N3TEP, and myself KB3ORS upgrading to the Extra class.[/h]
  7. N1JGE

    N1JGE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think that's great. But a 37% failure rate?
  8. W3GFD

    W3GFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    A 37% failure rate is better than 100% failure rate in my opinion. Maybe a better way to phrase that is to say we had a 63% success rate. The class was 33% kids under 12. I would venture a guess that about 50% of those kids were under 10. That is 63 more people who are licensed and will keep the hobby alive and active. The people involved with this class worked very hard on it to make it a success. I understand some people in the hobby do not believe in the HIAD concept but if something is not done to promote the hobby in a positive way it is going to die and we will loose the spectrum we have out there. One of the good things that came out of this class is the creation of the yahoo group to elmer these new hams. Maybe instead of people disapproving of the concept they should join the yahoo group and mentor some of these people who want to learn what ham radio is all about. Elmer them, teach them, empower them.
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