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Elecraft Co-Founder Eric Swartz WA6HHQ

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Mar 29, 2024.

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  1. KV6O

    KV6O Ham Member QRZ Page

    I like panadapters - I was running an SDR off the IF port of my K3 before the P3 was available, and I also have a P3. But they require power, and a K4 draws about twice as much as a K3 on receive. Sure, Elecraft makes portable radios that are optimized for use in the field (low power consumption), but the K3 fit nicely as a great shack radio and a good field radio. I left the P3 at home.

    You could do that with the K4, but (IMHO) the K3 is a better fit for portable operations. I'd be curious what the DXpedition folks would rather have - a K3 or a K4?
    N0TZU, W1DED, AK5B and 1 other person like this.
  2. N3LV

    N3LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I understand. Makes sense that it draws more power if the "P3" inside is on all the time. Thank you for the clarification.
    AK5B likes this.
  3. AK5B

    AK5B XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank goodness for LiFePo4 battery technology! ;)
    W1DED likes this.
  4. K6GP

    K6GP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    No problem, OM. You asked a legitimate question and got legitimate feedback. Nothing but class from you and those that responded to your legitimate inquiry. That makes me happy.

    If the KX3 doesn’t fit your needs, your price range, or you can’t justify it; no harm, no foul. I and I don’t think anybody else was trying to pressure you or will judge you on whatever choice you make.

    I only hope whatever path you go down, whatever portable radio you get, you are happy with it. I hope to work you one day, any day, on any radio you have available. :)
    K7LZR, KR3DX and W8KIC like this.
  5. K6BRN

    K6BRN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    Brian - K6BRN
    WA3VJB, W1DED and K7LZR like this.
  6. AB8CC

    AB8CC Ham Member QRZ Page

    My K3 serial #1653 so while my K3 is not the very earlist K3 I have had it for sometime. I shipped back to get all the updates completed that it needed. this took sometime but it was well worth the wait. Yes it took a while for the radio to be returned to my shack and made me a firm believer in the old saying "All good things come to those who wait". Again it took some time but was well worth it. I have several fellow hams here in the Akron/Canton area who try very hard to separate me from my K3 and my reply is "You don't have enough money". I have 50 years in this hobby, I have had Kenwood 520, 530, all kinds of Ten Tec equipment as well as Icom and Yaesu transceivers shoot I started out as WN8SVR in 1974 with a Knightkit T-60 Hammarlung HQ-110 and an EICO 726 VFO to talk about caveman style equipment but all that equiment lead me to my K3 and while those Icom's and Kenwood's were good transceivers there is nothing better then my K3. And by the way you do not have enough money to have me give it up. Thank you Elecraft even if I end up with a K4 this K3 stays with me it is the only girl my wife is jealous to have in the house. LOL
    N2WPT, W8KIC, AK5B and 1 other person like this.
  7. AK5B

    AK5B XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    As Bob Marley used to say, "Yeahhhh, Mon!" :)
    K0UO and W8KIC like this.
  8. AI4BJ

    AI4BJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The K4 is only marginally larger/heavier than the K3. I use mine almost exclusively in the field (POTA activations, Field Day, scout camps etc.). The built-in panadapter and CESSB are huge improvements over the K3, and although I still own my K3, I have not used it since acquiring the K4.

    Mark AI4BJ
    KV6O likes this.
  9. VA7MN

    VA7MN Ham Member QRZ Page

    This was an interesting discussion. A lot depends on your needs in radio. My main HF rig is a K2, low serial number. I had it overhauled and updated by Dave, W8FGU. It came back a much better radio, with new filters, CW shaping filter, and more. To me, it was worth the money to do this rather than going for a K3. I operate CW QRP exclusively and the specs of this radio would be hard to beat. If you want to do remote operation, contesting and similar the K2 would be sadly lacking. The K2 suits my minimalist mindset, has a vintage look, a simple menu and often adjusted settings are immediately available on the front panel. It also has a low power appetite, is light and is compact but rugged. The Elecraft company has come a long way under Eric and Wayne, their product line is state of the art. I believe they picked up where Ten Tec left off.
    W1DED, W8KIC, KR3DX and 1 other person like this.
  10. M0MQV

    M0MQV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've wanted a K2 full kit for ever but the PRICE - considering I have to actually build it (which is the point really) is just prohibitive. Surely the development costs have been recouped by now? I wonder what the variable cost of all the parts is?? Still, It'll never be on the shopping list at this rate.. :(
  11. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    This and the modular design was one reason I bought a K3. A few months ago my 10 year old K3 suddenly wouldn’t receive or transmit, but otherwise appeared to be working. Info from bench investigation and the K3 groups IO narrowed the problem to a known hardware/firmware issue on the small synthesizer K3S board which is unfortunately a factory only repair.

    K3/K3S spare part support ended a few years ago, and the newer board rev is no longer shipping. However I phoned Elecraft service, who responded within 24 hours, and I was able to purchase one from old stock to repair my unit. In addition, their techs will update my old board for a reasonable price, if I choose to.

    Try getting that service from most other radio suppliers, indeed most suppliers of anything.

    I was also able to easily install or make hardware improvements to the K3 at low cost as they were released by Elecraft over the years, in addition to firmware updates.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
    AK5B, KR3DX, K6GP and 2 others like this.
  12. KC9EHQ

    KC9EHQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I built a K1-4 in 2005. Love it. Still have it. I then bought a K2/10 and built that in 2011. Absolutely love it and still use it. In June 2023, to celebrate my 20th year of being a ham, I purchased another K2/10 kit just because I wanted to build another one and just have it for strictly home use. I wanted the K2/100, but the amp is no longer available. I didn't settle, I love the fact that I get to build another QRP rig. I have been patiently waiting for it since June 2023. Hopefully, I will arrive soon.
  13. VE7VXO

    VE7VXO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think you are looking at that the wrong way. If people are dumping K3's on the used market to finance a K4 purchase, well, if they end up with buyer's remorse...good learning experience. In the mean time the flood of loaded used K3's I've been seeing is boon times to those who could never afford a K3 when it was considered top of the line of Elecraft hardware. It is still probably more radio than many people can appreciate or fully utilize and can be had at much more reasonable prices today. :)
    WB9YPA likes this.
  14. WB9YPA

    WB9YPA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amplitude Modulation forever!
    Single Sideband is amplitude modulation with half its teeth knocked out.
  15. N1NDN

    N1NDN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    While there is no argument that the KX3 is more expensive, its not the same rig as a IC-705. I've owned a KX3, KX2, K2 and IC-705. Its hard to swallow the price difference, but once you do, you realize its worth it. I do factor in the "made in USA" and support for extra value. The IC-705 is a fine radio, but I found it hopelessly complicated and sold it, I used it for portable Ops and unless you use it often, I found that I forgot how to use it. The KX3 also has many features and I prefer it over a KX2, but budget concerns make a KX2 an easy choice. A couple less bands and the filters really don't make a difference unless you're in a contest.
    AK5B and K7LZR like this.

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