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The Google Earth Repeaters Overlay Project for the Entire United States and Territories

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AE0TO, Feb 18, 2023.

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  1. AE0TO

    AE0TO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I guess, I'm lucky here in Missouri where the ones within a 200 miles radius is 99.5% accurate. There is an "Online Only" function, which sorts out all the dead repeaters, but as a new ham don't want to insult anyone's intelligence. I have no problem believing that in certain areas which have historically bad societal issue, i.e. Give a Damn is Broken attitude, that the services match the tent cities in the streets and parks, but that's why I don't live there either. But, besides parsing out civil issues, I believe it comes down to population, usage, and saturation. The more people, the more problems at all levels. Even here in backwater Missouri, I found club websites that no longer exist, because all the founders are now silent keys. No one else picked up the baton and/or they were absorbed into other clubs. Thankfully, everyone I've interacted with on the air here is 100% positive, understanding, and helpful. I've found being a part of the solution goes a long way.

    I am simply but a lowly Ham Farmer tending my Frequencies and Free-Range Peaters...

    Ryan, AE0TO
  2. ND5Y

    ND5Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ryan your idea for Google Earth mapping is good but I think you are wasting your time with RepeaterBook because of the extremely low quality of their data. Maybe it varies in different areas and different frequency coordinators. I don't know what their sources are. Years ago I tried to get the listings in my area cleaned up but they refused to do anything because I don't own or operate any repeaters.
    AE0TO and AL0R like this.
  3. WA6JBD

    WA6JBD Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's worse than that. I have a repeater listed on there. Someone altered my listing, not inaccurately, but without my authorization. I changed it back to how I wanted it to appear, and it got changed again.

    Mel - WA6JBD
    AE0TO likes this.
  4. N6SPP

    N6SPP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice work Ryan and thnx for the kml links.. It can be a challenge when referencing or finding 'active" repeaters in the RepeaterBook database. This includes the ARRL Rptr Book too.. Input from repeater users & control operators primarily on 6 & 10M would be very helpful. I have an interest in 10M repeater Es/F paths from here in the SFO Bay Area. Attached is an example of a 10M Rptr map I put together for general purpose use (There are other repeaters available out of my ground path range)..Note- a few NorCal repeaters on 10M have been inactive and/or in intermittent operation for years.. A couple of Los Angeles area repeaters are active, and we've used them in the last several months from here. 73, Eric 10M RPTR Map_n6spp_oct2022,rev3,jpeg.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2023
    AE0TO likes this.
  5. N1UW

    N1UW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank your for the tip!
  6. N7WR

    N7WR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very nice..lots of work. Appreciate it
    KI4DGT and AE0TO like this.
  7. KD8TTE

    KD8TTE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very nice! As always, some of the data points are amusing (an Ohio repeater with a point showing Kazakhstan, probably just some east/west coordinate confusion) but this is a lovely application.

    In Ohio we've started relaying map data (KML/KMZ files) by radio for various purposes. I've got a video where we walk through the concept and how we are using it, showing an incident management use case where amateur radio circuits are being used to communicate among Incident Command Posts and Emergency Operations Centers.
    I've also been building out some other maps based on data from government agencies showing seismic activity, climatological data, and so on.

    Obviously the files can get big, especially for HF, but I can see some interesting possibilities where individual maps are built for a particular situation and transmitted. Slinging a bit of Python or whatever could make a lot of this pretty straightforward. Processing updates, sending updates (maybe just with some diffs against a reference version)... maybe even something like some trip planning that would show what repeaters are around along a given route, at waypoints, etc., could all be useful. Of course the data won't be perfect, some repeaters will not be there anymore and some repeaters won't be in the directory. It's almost certainly still better than just going in cold.
    AE0TO likes this.
  8. AE0TO

    AE0TO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Kay K6KJN,

    You may do whatever you like with it. I like to archive offline, hence the main spirit of this project. is perfect for this, I believe. Thank you and I think it's a great idea.
    K6KJN likes this.
  9. AE0TO

    AE0TO XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Thanks for the input. Since this is a condensed compilation of THEIR compilation, I chose to provide the disclaimer. Since they have the legal warning on some of their site pages, oddly ZERO on downloading any of the Google Earth kmls, I just wanted to ensure there weren't any legal wickets to get tangled up in. Especially when everyone on the internet likes to nitpick and snipe over minutia. Hope you like it and have a great week. God Bless.

    Ryan, AE0TO
    KX4O likes this.
  10. AE0TO

    AE0TO XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Thank you for the kind words. I don't like the default size and color either, however if they're too big then with as many repeaters on in these files, over 20,000... 1. I wasn't going to edit them and 2. You can change the size of the Google Earth fonts and colors in the settings. The post right after yours, by ND5Y also says this as well. I respect your age and appreciate the knowledge, skills, and abilities you bring to the Ham community.

    Ryan, AE0TO
  11. ND5Y

    ND5Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    You should be able to change the style (font, color, etc.) of all the items in a GE folder or file at once.
  12. K6KJN

    K6KJN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks. Here is the copy at Internet Archive's ham radio library:

    73, Kay.
    AE0TO likes this.
  13. AE0TO

    AE0TO XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Well...that sucks! This data isn't mine, it's whatever Repeater Book has in their database. I did run across some KML files that would download, but didn't load anything. i.e. ALL of the Weather and Power Outage Repeaters that show up under each state's page. I didn't QC every state, county, and city. What I did do is provide instructions in the instructions folder on how to download these directly from for yourself, if needed or wanted. I'd recommend proximity searching your respective area(s) and then go to to Map Results > Google Earth dropdown > Right Click Open in New Tab. This will download your KML file. Then check it out. If it doesn't work then contact Repeater Book. If it does work, then save it to your My Places with whatever folder/naming convention you like. Thank you for the input WB6YZZ.

    Ryan, AE0TO
  14. AE0TO

    AE0TO XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Thank you for the kind words. I hope it is useful for your purposes.

    Ryan, AE0TO
  15. AE0TO

    AE0TO XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Awesome Kay! Thank you so very much. I love I'm an old book fanatic, so I pull off many from this site. In return for this effort, I will share these sites, in case you're interested.

    GLOBAL GREY EBOOKS (Nice Variety of Old Tomes to Classic Novels)

    PDF DRIVE (More Modern Books, But a Vast Variety)

    AVALON LIBRARY (Backwater of the Internet Library)

    Kind of a non related response, just an impromptu memory spur due to the piece.

    Have a great day and week Kay, K6KJN

    Ryan, AE0TO

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