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QSO Today Will Ravenel AI4VE - QRP from the beach without getting stuck in the sand

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by 4Z1UG, Jul 14, 2022.

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  1. 4Z1UG

    4Z1UG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    QSO Today Will Ravenel AI4VE - QRP from the beach
    without getting stuck in the sand

    Will Ravenel, AI4VE, loves to operate ham radio’s first digital
    mode, CW, using either hand (left or right), at low power, in the
    field and on the beach. After a severe illness, getting on the beach
    for Will is more difficult. We discuss some options, including Sand
    Hopper, and much more in this QSO Today.
    K9EZ, KD7ORN, NY0V and 4 others like this.
  2. KB7LMT

    KB7LMT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very,very cool! Big tires will get you more surface area on the sand. Perfect.
  3. HB9EPC

    HB9EPC Ham Member QRZ Page

    purquoi pas aussi un OVERDRIVE !
  4. F8WBD

    F8WBD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Except for the balloon tires, looks like my old wagon back in 1947. First gift I remember receiving.
  5. N7KO

    N7KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gud to hear a conversation around QRP, and yes as we age there is some changes we find ourselves doing, I do not know if I am just becoming more lazy or if it is out of fear, but I find myself driving my camper 3 miles to a local park rather than riding my bicycle. I get winded peddling my bicycle up a small grade and that concerns me, and by just driving I can set up my antenna and transmit from inside the camper if the weather is not to my liking.

    There is something about QRP ( 5watts or less ) that makes each contact special, kinda like the pride you get when you ride your Vespa scouter to meet your friends for a morning coffee on a tea spoon of gas instead of my camper which burn 1/2 gallon of gas for the for the 5 mile round trip.

    I do not have a Vespa ,yet but one of my friends does, and he sure likes to brag about what little gas he uses to get to where he is going.

    TU for having a well spoken guest, enjoyed what he had to say.
    F8WBD likes this.

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