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Amateur Radio Newsline headlines for Ham Nation. September 23, 2020.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB7TBT, Sep 21, 2020.

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  1. KB7TBT

    KB7TBT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio Newsline headlines for Ham Nation. September 23, 2020.

    W0JJC, KP4JM, 2E0EUG and 1 other person like this.
  2. 2E0TWD

    2E0TWD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you all.
    KB7TBT likes this.
  3. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Radiosport? LOL. I can't be the only one who thinks contesting has ruined a big part of ham radio. Not that I am totally against it but It dominates the bands now where you cannot have a conversation with another ham without getting run over or regular nets get crowded out. Just tune into intercon or maritime net during contests. Next to impossible without some dude running max power trashing it while parked nearby. Last year I was on when a sailboat was taking on water well off shore. Took twenty minutes for any info to get passed because contesters were parked top and bottom of frequency. They refused to move. Their points were way more important than peoples lives.
    W0ZOO, LA5KW, PY2NEA and 1 other person like this.
  4. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    They should be using an EPIRB and satellite phone. Relying on ham radio for an emergency situation with a boat (especially offshore) is just plain stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    The reverse can be said too. I'm sure the contesters are tired of the regular nets that dominate the same frequency day after day, taking up space that could be used for the contest. ;) That's the best part with nobody actually owning a frequency, even though the nets frequently seem to think they do. If the nets are getting "crowded out" then they should change frequencies, or simply not have the net for the day. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  5. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    You concern for life is noted. Epirb is a last resort, they were calling for assistance, pumps etc. Still an emergency and I am sure they are thankful for the maritime net that provides a public service. What public service does contesting provide?

    It's exactly your attitude that makes sure many could care less about contesting. Do you think the next time the FCC comes for portions of a band they will think twice because of contesters or hams providing public service?
    ND6M likes this.
  6. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm very concerned for life. That's why I suggest actual life-saving devices. Relying on anything less is just absolutely stupid in an emergency situation. If I were in that situation, I would not be fooling around with the maritime net. I would put a mayday call on VHF and out comes the satellite phone and EPIRB.

    Again, nobody owns a frequency. The fact that the precious nets are disrupted by nearby contesters is too bad. Amateur radio is there for everybody's enjoyment, not just the net participants.
  7. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Obviously you have never sailed. Taking on water is not sinking. Asking for assistance for nearby vessels to render aid does not tie up resources for those who need it. Calling on the maritime net is sound in those waters and many sailors private and commercial monitor it. Checking and and reporting your position is a smart move and calling there first when you need assistance is sound, not stupid.

    And though nobody owns a frequency many nets have been around longer than you have and some are critical to render aid and assistance. Most hams respect what these people do and support them and then there is you and those other certain contesters that respect nothing or nobody and give the contester a bad name.
    PY2NEA likes this.
  8. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have sailed all over the world, in absolutely ridiculous conditions. In fact, when I was in college, I used to ferry boats (sail and power) from all over the world to Southern California. But you're right, I have obviously never sailed! LOL!!

    So they didn't actually need emergency assistance, thus lives were not at risk, as you said. If peoples' lives are in imminent danger, then it's an emergency, and should be treated as such. In an emergency, you use life-saving devices, not an amateur radio maritime net.

    I'm glad we are in agreement. Let's repeat...nobody owns a frequency. If the precious net is being adversely affected by people operating legally and enjoying amateur radio, then move.
  9. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    In order to ferry boats you need a masters license or the boat will not be insured and that's near coastal. For international open waters the requirements are more rigid. Sure you just picked one up at 7/11 on the way to class.
    If you cannot respect established nets because your points are so precious then your not a ham I would want to know. End of discussion
  10. W6SDM

    W6SDM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Contesting does contribute to amateur radio. One of the big reasons that ham radio still exists is contesting. People don't pay thousands of dollars for a radio so that they can rag chew. Contesting is also responsible for innovation in equipment. There's nothing that can be done about the power limit, so ham radio manufacturers look at developing better antennas and SDR to give contesters an advantage. If all we had was rag chew and nets, you would watch the ham radio population dwindle very quickly.

    On the other hand, contesting IS NOT responsible for the lack of courtesy and respect on the bands during a contest. That also goes for DXing. Mothers not teaching their kids to play nice and the "win no matter what it takes" attitude is to blame for that. The same jerk that blasts his call sign out ten times in a row during a pileup is the guy that calls CQ contest on an active net frequency.
    KC0KEK and N3FAA like this.
  11. W9EBE

    W9EBE Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sure we do. You obviously don't know many ragchewers. Join us! :)
    2E0TWD likes this.
  12. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would say contesting is responsible for the bad behavior we see. It would not be hard for those organizing contests to restrict the bandplan so interference was lessened. They don't allow for any other activities to take place during a contest the way they are run. It's only become a greater issue as time wore on. I stopped supporting the ARRL for exactly that. They refuse to lead on this issue and they easily could.
    I spend thousands of dollars for radios and antennas and I don't contest. I am sure many others do too.
    ND6M likes this.
  13. ND6M

    ND6M Ham Member QRZ Page

    You managed to contradict yourself in the same paragraph.

    Perhaps your definition of "everybody" is different than the most Amateurs.
  14. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    End of discussion because you say so? Oh...okay. LMAO!! Never had my masters license. I moved personal sailboats and powerboats for people all over the world, though mainly up and down the Pacific coast, and was paid quite well for it...extremely well, in fact. What people chose to do with their insurance was between them and their insurance company. That's not my problem. I did it for basically 5 years and never had a single issue. I still own 3 sailboats and an off-shore powerboat, but I rarely use them due to my work schedule. But again, I obviously have never sailed. I seriously think you missed your calling as a comedian.

    And this where your argument goes right in the trash. You are absolutely 100% under the impression that "established nets" own their frequencies, and their presence on the frequencies they own should be respected. Now I see exactly what's going on here and why you are so angry. If you want the nets to own frequencies, you should stick to repeaters and leave HF to us adults.

    No contradiction at all. If a station is operating legally directly above or below a net (as was the initial did actually read it, right?), and the net operators get upset, too bad. The ccontesters have every right to enjoy the frequencies as much as the net. Why should the contesters have to move? Because the net is using some frequency that they think they own? What should we do, clear 20 kHz on each side of every single net so there is absolutely no interference at all to these precious nets?

    I was on 40m a couple months ago, ragchewing with a group of about 5 friends. We had been on the frequency for an hour or so, when some unidentified station broke in and said, "XXX net will be starting in 5 minutes." I won't name this "well-established" net here, so as not to embarrass them. I personally never heard of them before, but I looked them up after the fact, and they are supposedly established, according to their website. There was then a countdown every minute that the net would be starting. Of course there was never any ID, no asking if the frequency was in use (he knew damn well it was), nothing. Then when that 5 minutes was up, he started the net and started taking check-ins. Net participants were complaining that the net control wasn't being heard, and of course they all blew up, using some very colorful language toward us. The net control then started to lecture us that XXX Net has been operating on that frequency for 30 years during the 2 hour timeframe, and we need to, "get off their frequency." Net Control then stated that he will take check-ins following Newsline, and then played that for 15 minutes straight. When we ignored them and just continued to hold our conversation, net control just kept shouting for everybody to move up 10 kc, for about 2 minutes straight. Then they were gone.

    But you see, this is the mentality of basically every single net out there. They feel they own whatever frequency, and everybody else just needs to respect that and go elsewhere. Well that isn't how it works. I am just as entitled to use that frequency as the net is. Like I said, if your net wants to own the frequency, then stick to repeaters, where the system owner can give you that authority. If you want to come to HF with your net and sit at the adult table, then you need to behave like an adult. Since it sounds like you and @N1IPU haven't been in Part 97 for a while, let me provide some reference:

    97.101 General Standards

    (b) ... No frequency will be assigned for the exclusive use of any station.

    That includes your precious nets.
  15. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Rest of you can comment but I think you know what your dealing with. I'm out

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