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FCC proposes new filing fee structure, new fees for ham radio

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KU3N, Aug 27, 2020.

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  1. N8KYE

    N8KYE Ham Member QRZ Page

    They want us to volunteer our time and equipment during a emergency or crisis.
    Sorry, no more if you want me to pay......
    N6ATF likes this.
  2. KD7YVV

    KD7YVV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Didn't take it as a curt comment, took it for what it was. :)
    I guess I'm just used to using something until it absolutely has to be replaced.
    Such is the case for older equipment. A lot of hams don't have the money to buy the
    latest/greatest and in these times, can't afford a $50 fee.

    As previously mentioned, the FCC used to charge $20 for a CB license, but all that did
    was put a lot of people on the air who didn't get one.
    You didn't have to show you were licensed to buy a CB.
    Now you have tens of thousands of CB users many who were mobile who figured the FCC just didn't
    have enough resources to catch everyone. They were right. Enforcement became a full time 24/7 job.

    I don't remember what the penalty was of if anyone actually got caught.
    Then, the FCC lowered the price to $4.00, and while that got a lot more people licensed,
    the sheer volume of people who got licenses not only created a huge backlog of paperwork, it became
    an administrative nightmare. Finally the FCC gave up and only followed up on interference complaints.
    Even that was a losing battle. Nowadays with license lookup on the internet not only from here on the Zed
    but many other places, it is easy to see if someone is licensed. There are frequencies where it seems
    anything goes and I think I remember hearing about a repeater somewhere where the rules go out the window.

    If the FCC is hurting for cash, the logical course of action would be to step up enforcement and equipment
    confiscation. Instead of fining someone $10,000 and forgiving the fine when the offender almost always
    claims hardship and an inability to pay, drop the fine to $1000, revoke the license, seize the equipment,
    and sell it. Use the proceeds to do whatever it is the FCC needs money for. The IRS doesn't forgive your
    taxes, and your landlord doesn't forgive your rent, so I don't get why the FCC forgives fines.

    What was the callsign of one ham who nailed by the FCC, K1MAN (I think). How many years did that drag on?
    A case shouldn't take more than 30 days. If there's proof you've intentionally broke the rules or caused
    interference intentionally and with malice, then you should pay the piper.

    W8LV likes this.
  3. KD7YVV

    KD7YVV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Makes sense, I was just looking at it from a specific point of view, the equipment replacement.
    Got it explained and learned something new. It's always a good day when I learn something new.

    WW5F likes this.
  4. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    No. Hams are not notoriously cheap.
    They are resourceful, and can by definition do more with less.

    Some hams are kids and college students.

    Many are retirees on fixed incomes.

    But The Government? Well, they've never been put on a fixed income. IMAGINE if YOU could spend everything you have, AND borrow all the money you wanted with no credit limit, balance forward, or due date, AND print your own money, AND do these things ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

    And All of Us? Taxed to Death and pretty much sick of it. Also, of having to have Real Jobs to support those with Rubber Stamp Jobs and excellent retirements, to boot. I'm already taxed six ways to Sunday. and on Sunday itself? Well...Taxed then, too! Every penny that they take is one less that I can save or invest (which benefits others) or spend (which benefits others) in an otherwise stagnant economy. I'm not seeing an SDR or an IC-7300 or anything else in my future here...
    "Disposable" Income? I Think Not! These are really really crushing taxes we pay. We (and they) might not be here much longer because of it. It didn't seem to work out well for the Romans, and History? Well it always repeats itself. Always. Always!
    73 DE W8LV BILL
    N6ATF, WN1MB and N9EAW like this.
  5. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    So all those lives you would be saving aren't worth $50 to you ?
    N3FAA and WN1MB like this.
  6. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    There are good reasons to oppose this fee. But threatening to withhold amateur radio's public service over an application fee is not one of them, and only makes the ARS look fickle. We should take the high road.

    Instead of vague, internet-bravado threats of "withholding our services"; emphasize the good amateur radio can do, and make an (intelligent, not emotional) argument of how a fee could impede that (if that's what you believe will happen).

    I think the proposed fees can be attacked on three main grounds:

    - The $ amount is arbitrary
    - Other non-commercial services are explicitely exempted, why not ARS?
    - Potential degradation of the ability of the ARS to fulfill it's basis and purpose, especially with regards to youth participation, which affects the future.
    AC9XH, W8LV, WN1MB and 1 other person like this.
  7. WW5F

    WW5F Ham Member QRZ Page

    ...which is the reason for the bill of rights. And all the things you mention are no longer enough. They want more. It's human nature. The limits on federal government need to be refreshed. And they can be through
    AC9XH, KC1DR, W8LV and 1 other person like this.
  8. KB3UFB

    KB3UFB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I wouldn't mind paying $50. or even $100 for a lifetime amature Radio Licence . As long as they crack down on Quarmmers & those CB Jammers
    Who like to Jam the HF & The 2m /70cm Frequencies

    73 tommy KB3UFB
  9. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants" - Thomas Jefferson
    AC9XH, KR3DX and W8LV like this.
  10. AC9XH

    AC9XH Guest

    I agree and sometimes when the Government is hanging in the limbs of confusion in our tree of liberty ,We the people need to prune out the rot.

    I agree with a lifetime license. Pay the $50 and be done with it. Other countries have went this way

    . FCC been greedy lately since they have been selling off cband frequencies to make room for 5g. No telling what they are up to with our frequencies. Rumor is the Current FCC is left leaning and very liberal. In other words, they dont like our on the frequency pow wows talking about anything possibly remotely involved with politics. Our frequencies are the last frontier that main stream media doesnt control.Whether you believe it or not, we DO have a collective voice and vote. Where is the ARRL on all this? hiding? Maybe we need to start up a new amateur radio organization that will actually do what they say. Kind of remember there was talk about this in the early 70s,and 80s.VIVA LA REVOLUTIONA !!!!!!!!

    I Also believe that charging $50 for a new license will hamper growth and sustainability. Early in the 70s the novice license was free. I remember getting mine and didnt have an FCC fee. All others had one,general,advanced and extra. If we are given lifetime licenses, and allowing the newbies to get into the hobby free like they do today,,I would gladly pay the $50 or even $100 for the 1 minute of their time to type it in the computer.Allow a new licensee to obtain their tech license free. then after they want to upgrade, $50 for lifetime.

    JUst my opinion and not of staff and management.
    W8LV likes this.
  11. AC9XH

    AC9XH Guest

    Here is atidbit for all you hard working patriotic amateur radio operators.


    KC1DR, W8LV, F8WBD and 1 other person like this.
  12. WW5F

    WW5F Ham Member QRZ Page

    I fear blood will be spilled on 4 November, or soon after. This $50 NPRM is nothing in the bigger picture of things.
    F8WBD, WN1MB and KR3DX like this.
  13. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."
    -Thomas Jefferson
    AC9XH and N6ATF like this.
  14. W1JTS

    W1JTS Ham Member QRZ Page

    go to lifetime license now to keep our hobby on track
    AC9XH likes this.
  15. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not only should we consider a lifetime license, but I'm not sure that we need a Technician, General, and Extra Class three class tier. And I think Wayne Green W2NSD(sk) was right about the incentive licensing system: It was (and is) a Bad Idea to tie proficiency to bandwidth allocation. Instead? It's tied to SUNSPOTS. We could EASILY have a two-tier system, such as in the UK. Call it a "Beginner" and "Advanced", or if you will: "Technician" and "Extra". And THAT will more than suffice! We didn't need Novice, Tech, Tech Plus, General, Advanced, and Extra as we once had. We don't need to tie it to "CW" (or not) as we once did: We got OVER IT. The Upshot? More Bengali Keys and Vibroplex bugs than ever before on the air. AFTER the CW was eliminated as a barrier.

    Well...LESS people drank AFTER Prohibition was repealed, too. (But I digress on Stupid Laws resulting in Opposite Behaviour...)

    So there you have my proposal: Two Tiers, License for Life. Let's Fix This.

    P.S. Wasn't there a time when the Commission said if it wasn't COST EFFECTIVE to collect a license fee, than it should be done away with?

    Wasn't there a time, when the Commission collected a fee for CB before they tossed that?

    AND wasn't there a RECENT TIME when they at least talked of getting rid of the GMRS fee? ;-) I think it's like seventy five dollars for five years(!) or something. I'll bet ALMOST NONE of those radios out there are actually licensed.

    All the Best!

    73 DE W8LV BILL
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
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