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Anyone Remember Lloyd and Iris Colvin?

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by N2HUN, Apr 7, 2020.

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  1. N2HUN

    N2HUN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Back when I was a newly-minted ham I fondly remember working some of those YASME foundation DXpeditions with Iris and Lloyd Colvin contacting hams from one of their exotic locations. Always thought that they had such a great way of life, traveling and ham radio. I only remember CW contacts, not SSB with them. Unfortunately I threw out all my old logbooks and their contacts only remain in memory. Wonder what ever happened to them? Might have to look back at old ham magazines to dust off the cobwebs in the old brain. I presume they are both SK's so God bless them, they made many a ham happy back then.
  2. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  3. WW2PT

    WW2PT Ham Member QRZ Page

    N2HUN and WR2E like this.
  4. W1BR

    W1BR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Worked them several times when I first started DXing... also spent many late nights chasing
    Pacific DX on the VK9NS 222 net. And there was the W7PHO character! Days long gone.
    KP4SX, N2HUN and WW2PT like this.
  5. WW2PT

    WW2PT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I used to participate in the 247 DX net back in the 90’s, mostly while mobile. That was fun. I know dx nets and lists are frowned upon by “real” DXers, but I never knew any better so I had a blast.

    Never worked Lloyd or Iris, I don’t think. But I followed their travels through CQ Magazine when I was a kid long before I got my ticket. They were legends.
    N2HUN likes this.
  6. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I worked Lloyd and Iris many times back in the 80s, and then met them in Person at Visalia DX CON.
    They were very gracious but seemed to prefer the relaxed atmosphere of the DX NETS than working a roaring pileup.

    My greatest TEAR JERKER in Ham Radio was on the JIM SMITH VK9NS Net one night. The Colvins were in BURUNDI and arm chair copy at 59+. I made the list easily but when it was my turn to call them, some how Jim Smith overlooked me. I never got to call! After the Net, I asked Jim about it and he appologized, but the Colvins were gone, So I was SOL!

    I wouldnt work Burundi until well into the 2000s,maybe around 2013 or so!!
    N2HUN and WW2PT like this.

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