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Contests for new hams !

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by VE1EPB, Oct 13, 2019.

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  1. VE1EPB

    VE1EPB Ham Member QRZ Page

    In a contest can I answer a QSO and not hand in a log ? ( or email etc )
    Will a contester get a penalty, without my log entry ?

  2. WW2PT

    WW2PT Ham Member QRZ Page

    From the CQ WWDX contest rules: “Call sign errors (bust) or call signs not in the other log (NIL) are removed and receive a penalty of two times the QSO point value for that contact.”

    If your call sign only appears in only a contesters log and you don’t submit a log with a corresponding QSO, it may be considered a “busted” QSO, in which case a penalty may be handed out. I didn’t check the rules for the other big contests, but I believe this is the case with them as well.
    VE1EPB likes this.
  3. K1LKP

    K1LKP Ham Member QRZ Page




    K5VZD and VE1EPB like this.
  4. PD2R

    PD2R Ham Member QRZ Page

    First of all, you don't have to send in you log. Secondly, Paul is partially correct but not completely:

    After all the logs are adjudicated, most contest sponsors (like CQ Magazine) will provide the contesters with a "Log Checking Report". A Log Checking Report is sometimes also referred to as a UBN Report. UBN stands for Unique, Busted or NIL (NIL stands for Not In Log).
    - Busted: You logged PD1R but the correct call was PD2R. PD2R send in his log and you were in his log at the exact same time. Clearly you made a mistake and busted his call so you loose the points.

    - NIL: You logged PD2R. PD2R did send in his log but you were not in it. How can this happen? For instance, you thought you worked PD2R but in fact he was working someone else on the same QRG that you couldn't hear (it happens more often then you might think). Or, you worked PD2R but he missed your confirmation or the exchange. You got all of his info but he didn't get all of yours. You logged him but because he didn't get all the necessary info, he didn't log you.

    - Unique: You logged PD2R. PD2R is a legit callsign but he didn't send in his log. He does not appear in any of the other logs that were send in so in this contest it is a "unique" callsign. In most contest (not all!) you will get credits for a Unique call because it's possible that you worked PD2R and the sponsor can't really prove that you didn't. in other contest you loose the points because they feel that it's unlikely that PD2R only made one QSO in that particular contest so obviously you must have made an mistake.

    To make sure the contester doesn't loose the points, try to work a couple of other contest stations as well. Usually five of them is sufficient. This way your call will appear in other logs and your call will not be marked as a Unique.

    Again, you don't have to send in you log if you don't want to or you think it is too much of a hassle. Contesters are glad to work you either way. Without the so called "Casual Operators", contests would be down right boring.
    That being said, contest sponsors do really do like to get your log. They want to check the logs as accurate as possible and in order to do that they need all the logs they can get. In reality, it isn't that hard to create and send in your log. There is a variety of contest logging software that you can use free of charge. N1MM+ is probably the most popular of them all. All those contest loggers (as well as some regular loggers) will allow you to easily export a "Cabrillo" file. Cabrillo is the log standard for contests. Most contest sponsors will have either a website were you can upload your log or an email address so you can send them your log via email.
    It really is pretty straight forward and doesn't take much time.

    Have fun in the next contest (with or without a log)! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
    K5VZD, VE1EPB, WW5F and 2 others like this.
  5. WW5F

    WW5F Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ha ha! I can't count the number of times I'm calling "CQ TEST", hear a call sign in the pile up, send that call sign followed by an exchange and hear someone else (a little off frequency) answering simultaneously with his exchange! The CQ WPX CW robot is great at sending a report back to you telling you of all your errors! The first time I did the CQ WPX CW contest, I didn't bother to submit and the robot sent me an email asking me to submit!

    Edit: The ROBOT knows! ha ha!
    PD2R, VE1EPB and WW2PT like this.
  6. NW2K

    NW2K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Please answer as many CQs in a contest as you like. Your contest QSOs are greatly appreciated. There is absolutely no requirement for you to send in your log. The other stations will be given credit for the QSO.

    73 Dean
    VE1EPB and KS2G like this.
  7. K5VZD

    K5VZD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Andy I want your contact, whether or not you submit a log!!
    This is a "hobby", not a job or profession, as some hams act!!
    Get your rf in there and make noise!!
    Listening for ya!!
    tom k5vzd
    VE1EPB likes this.
  8. VE1EPB

    VE1EPB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for all the feed back.

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