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Oahu Hams Enjoy First Fox Hunt

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KH6OWL, May 2, 2019.

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  1. KH6OWL

    KH6OWL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    A fox hunt was held in West Oahu on the 7th of April 2019. We had 17 hams participate! Everyone had fun and learned a lot about radio direction finding. Most hams found the fox with the first hour and some found it within 20 minutes.

    17 licensed operators and some family members joined in the hunt
    Amateur operators in all license classes were in the hunt, eight Extras, 4 Generals, and 5 Technician class license holders. A few hams brought along family members to share in the fun.

    Ralph, NH6PY
    NH6PY used his thumb over the connector when he got close to find the fox
    Antennas from home made tape measuring devices to satellite antennas were used to find the fox, but it seems the best results were rubber duct antennas on handhelds.

    In the team category the winners were husband and wife time of KH6LT and WH6FUL.

    WH6ERV at the Start
    In the individual category, and riding a bicycle, the 1st place was WH6ERV.

    The winners received a $25 gift certificate donated by KH6OWL.

    Listening for the Fox at the Start
    Antenna in Hand is Alex, KH7CX, to his left is KW4TO, front is team winners of KH6LT and WH6FUL
    The broken antenna award goes to the team of KH7CX and KW4TO as they found the fox last. Their antenna was actually bent when they got out of the car at the end point.

    After the hunt we talked about what technique everyone used and shared best practices. We plan to have more fox hunts in the future and hope we get even bigger turnouts. Everyone had a lot of fun and was laughing and joking and we learned from each other as well.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The event was hosted by Stacy Holbrook, KH6OWL, and Ham Radio Hawaii (with prizes awarded by One Team Realty, LLC)

    We even got a local radio to interview prior to the event for getting the word out.


    Attached Files:

    W2NPR, KB5ZCR, N0TZU and 1 other person like this.
  2. KQ6XA

    KQ6XA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Congratulations to Lynn WH6ERV, for winning the fox hunt... especially while /Bicycle Mobile.
    Congratulations to everyone who participated.
    Fox hunts are fun!

    What's missing from this article? What frequency was it on? From the beam size, we know it was the 2 metre band... 146.565 MHz? Fox hunters and T-hunters are naturally curious folk.

    /Bicycle Mobile is fun!

    How about a photo of the fox?


    Maybe in Hawaii it should be called a Mongoose Hunt.


    Hiding fox transmitters is fun... here are some ideas from some California fox hunts.

    Fox "underground transmitter" hidden in a defunct pvc sprinkler valve.


    Fox transmitter hidden in a tree... even a low power transmitter can be copied miles away... and it is difficult to discover when nearby.

    Small fox transmitter with built-in timer and CW/voice IDer.

    Bonnie KQ6XA
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
    MI0YLT likes this.
  3. KB5ZCR

    KB5ZCR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great review. I'd love to participate when in Hawaii on vacation. Is there a web page I can keep track of this type of stuff?
    Also, any CW Ops out that way? I'm pretty much 100% CW.
    I do have a friend that lives on the big island I plan to visit and plan on taking a rig with me when I go in a few years.
  4. KH6OWL

    KH6OWL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We have an active facebook group you can join; and we have a website.
  5. KG5THG

    KG5THG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very cool. Looks like a lot of fun.

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