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Solar cycle 25 prediction panel 5/4/19

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by M0YRX, Apr 6, 2019.

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  1. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    ham radio is honest sport????? REALLY? Guess you never tuned on to 7.200 khz, and 14.313 in the past, 3.845, repeater freq's where the " KERCHUNKERS " Hang out. and around 3.890 khz and hear the bad language, 7.200 khz bad language, the mud slinging, the death threats. In the past on 20 meters 14.313 and 3.845 khz KV4FZ,WB2OTK,NR5T, WA4D and these guys everyday,every night continuous death threats. The FCC DID put a stop to KV4FZ and snapped their licenses and now ex- KV4FZ is now another new extra and is behaving him self ( we hope ) WA4D has not been heard on 7.200 khz in over a year. He would get on that freq and cause quite a stir and dozens of hams get on there and jam him, use fowl language. I DO remember when ham radio was an honest, self policing sport where the operators would help each other out, have antenna raising parties and now it is every man for him self. I've heard people mud sling others, jam if their new to the area. I heard on one of the local repeaters in VERMONT, A new ham from the deep south was our local machine and he was trying to be friendly and get information and the locals didn't like this guy butting in every time they had a round table and so they heckled him, jammed him, ignored him and so finely he moved away and told me and a few others that our repeater is NOT user friendly, or nor is it newcomer friendly ( that has changed in the last 10 years with new people, the trouble makers got kicked off ). Have you ever tuned into a PILE UP ? and listened to the FREQ POLICE? we never have people like this 30 years ago. all you hear is " UP! UP! UP! ; THERE NOT HERE!; GO AWAY A HOLE, THEIR DOWN 10; LISTEN,LISTEN,LISTEN!!!; YOU F ING A HOLES, DON'T LISTEN BEFORE YOU TRANSMIT?? ; GO BACK TO 11 METERS WHERE YOU A HOLES BELONG". New comers, like our young people hear this kind of behavior would surly turn them away from ham radio and stay on their cellphones. There are a few honest hams out there and there are quite a few rude hams and some are extras class snobs because they refuse to talk to any one other than an extra. We had a couple of those in our radio club ( snobs ) and they wouldn't talk to us lower classmen, but when they would say stuff like " OH ISN'T THAT RIGHT? YOU AGREE WITH ME? RIGHT? " my answer is simply...." YOUR THE EXTRA CLASS KNOW IT ALL....WHAT EVER YOU SAY " YUP your right about ham radio.
    WD4IGX, N2NOW and VA7UW like this.
  2. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    our golf course opens in 2 weeks and get my new ft 7250 that weekend. best of both worlds.
  3. N9NY

    N9NY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very true. I also noticed during cw contests the bands came alive
  4. N9NY

    N9NY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  5. RZ1O

    RZ1O Ham Member QRZ Page

    We stopped working on CQ call (except FT8) and walking through the bands (we walk on cluster's waterfalls ))) If everyone would worked on a CQ call at least a few QSOs once a week.. )
    73s! de RZ1O
    N4DWD likes this.
  6. M0JFK

    M0JFK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Never mind the solar activity, I SEE DEAD PEOPLE...and they don't know they are dead.
  7. WD5JKO

    WD5JKO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Found this update to the chart I posted earlier:
  8. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Herb is back as KV4FZ . I have his QSL--recently, and from almost 50 years ago.

    You should lay off--the FCC decided it was a good idea to allow him back, and so should you.

    Chip W1YW
  9. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

  10. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    lay off???? hahahahaha!
  11. N8TUW

    N8TUW Ham Member QRZ Page

    As a sco on Midcars 7.258 ..You just have to learn to adapt.
    On 40 meters . I've heard weak signals from 500-1000 watts . Then a QRP signal will enter and hit 57 to 59 signals.
    using 5 to 10 watts.
    Figure that. It's not going to get ay better for awhile .
    So you just adapt.
  12. PP7NM

    PP7NM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Com o mesmo ciclo solar estarei com o meu QRP DM5 - PWR 5WATTS CQ CQ QRP DM5 NA QRG 7030MHZ
    Persistencia e apaixonado pelo CW é o que valoriza essa operaçao qrpista,
    Forte 73 todos
    Vamos estar presente em nossa festa do CW CQMMDX - CWJF - 2019 DIAS 20 E 21 DESTE MÊS
  13. ZL1MTO

    ZL1MTO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Holly crap....should all sell all radios, antennas, cables, etc.. that I have and find another hobby ? This scared me.
  14. W4HM

    W4HM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm not sure if you are serious or not but during solar minimum 160-20 meters will be okay. It's 17-6 meters that will be effected the worst by no sunspot groups.

    But if the approaching solar minimum is to low and to long then 160 meter propagation conditions may suffer also due to more incoming galactic cosmic rays that over ionize the D layer.

    I was not part of the scientific consensus for the recent solar cycle 25 forecast. I believe that solar cycle 25 will be weaker than solar cycle 24. Solar cycle 25 may be very weak (SSN <50) much like the Dalton minimum that occurred in the first half of the 1800's.

  15. KW0U

    KW0U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah, I do too, but nothing stays the same. It is better than having a Minimum for the next century and a half, which would kill HF hamming for good. Even now things aren't completely dead; late the other night I worked E6 from Minnesota with my 100W and attic dipole, and got a couple of AM70s the other afternoon. Slim pickings compared to the past, when daily DX nets were booming, but there is always hope (and the fun of looking) for the next QSO.

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