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Nellie Ohr: Ham radio not used for Russia contacts

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W0PV, Mar 30, 2019.

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  1. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Proving just how bizarre politics has become it's a bit distressing seeing this reported. :(

    Ham radio should be used for making contacts with Russia - perhaps this info ought to be justification for the proposed expansion of FCC Tech license HF privileges. :D

    What is so unusual about a 50 y/o, or any age woman, or man, wanting to get into ham radio. :eek:

    LMAO :p

    Nellie Ohr: Ham radio not used for Russia contacts

    By: Jamie Dupree, Cox Washington Bureau

    A transcript made public on Thursday by a GOP lawmaker in Congress shows that the wife of a top Justice Department official said she got a ham radio license as part of an effort to help with local community emergencies, not as part of any effort to communicate with anyone overseas, or to monitor broadcasts from Russia associated with the Steele Dossier.

    "Have you ever communicated with anyone in Russia using your Ham radio?" Ohr was asked by one GOP investigator in the October 19, 2018 interview.

    "No," Ohr replied, as she told lawmakers she had the lowest level ham radio license, which offers few frequencies to licensed amateur radio operators that would support contacts across the Atlantic Ocean.

    Asked why a woman in her 50's would get a ham radio license, Ohr said the reason for her interest in amateur radio was spurred by a desire to support local volunteer emergency communications.

    "I took a citizens emergency - community emergency response team training," Ohr said in a closed door interview conducted in October of 2018, saying it had been sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security 'and the local fire department.'

    "And so I took the Ham radio class," Ohr testified. "I passed the test."

    Ohr lives in Fairfax County, Virginia, which has an active Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program, that includes amateur radio classes designed to integrate local ham radio operators into emergency response efforts.

    "I saw an ad for the community emergency response training, and I thought, now is a good time for me to do it," Ohr added, as GOP questioners asked only a few questions about her ham radio license, and then dropped the subject.

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2019
    VE7DXW and K9RBH like this.
  2. NH6RF

    NH6RF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have 86 Russian contacts. Guess I won't be running for office.
    KD8KNN, KN4LFC, KK3Q and 17 others like this.
  3. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bet there are lots of QSO's between USA and Russia in this weekends CQ WPX fone event. :cool:

    In the mid-1960's, when I was a pre-teen SWL, Radio Peking broadcasts in English to the USA were reliably loud. Of course I sent a letter for a QSL card, and was put on their mailing list.

    Then one day the postman delivered a genuine "Little Red Book" ie, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung.

    My older brother teased me, "Oh oh, now you're on J, Edgar Hoovers Commie Watch List!" :eek:
    UT2HC, N4DJC, AF6SA and 8 others like this.
  4. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Please do not let this go into politics or it will have to be moved to "Just talking - Politics"

    One thread on the same topic has already been moved

    W0IIT, K7YB, NW5E and 6 others like this.
  5. N4KZ

    N4KZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    VE7DXW and W0PV like this.
  6. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    It was kind of dumb to ask Nellie if she communicated with Russia using her Tech privileges. If anything she would have used ham radio to pass traffic from FUSION GPS to handlers in the US government in an effort to bypass NSA monitoring of our telephones and the Internet. Fake info went from Nellie > to her husband Bruce who was #3 at DoJ > to the FBI > and then to the national media > via leaks from the FBI and DoJ.

    At any rate, there's a positive note here for Jamie Dupree. After he lost his normal newsman persona due to a neurological disorder, he was able to use technology to develop a new voice.

    Here's the story:
    WB9BBE, AD6FR, KJ7WT and 5 others like this.
  7. SM0AOM

    SM0AOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    "The times they are a'changing"...

    When I got interviewed by the Security Police as a 14 year old
    in 1970 as part of the clearance process for my application for the then Novice licence, the interviewer looked sternly at me and asked:
    "Can you communicate with Russia using your radio?".

    Political reliability played a good part in the licencing process at the height of the Cold War.

    SA1CKE, AF6SA, KD5RJZ and 3 others like this.
  8. K7JEM

    K7JEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Sure. Who do you want to talk to? Someone at the Kremlin or my KGB handler?"
    KY1K, K4XJ, KD5RJZ and 2 others like this.
  9. SM0AOM

    SM0AOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    If I would have attempted such an answer, it is highly unlikely that a licence would have been granted. Possession and use of a transmitter was Serious Business during this era. It would also have cast shadows over the political reliability of my family and my teachers.

    In retrospect, I find it somewhat strange that a 7-grader was required to obtain a security clearance. But it reflected the high standards that amateur radio was subjected to.

    N5VAF, AF6SA and VE7DXW like this.
  10. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sure, the KM4UDZ QTH in McClean VA could be be simplex range for FRS or even CB to FusionGPS in DC :p but bypassing the NSA probably could have just used WhatsApp, or the USPS :eek: :D.

    Jamie Dupree is indeed an amazing ongoing medical recovery story. I have seen national TV coverage of it, several vids on YT too.

    As NS3T he is also in my logbook for a QSO in the 2016 Sweepstakes, but that was on CW.
    VE7DXW likes this.
  11. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    "The more things change, the more they remain the same."

    Karl-Arne, I really appreciate your historic tale and the use of the term "political reliability" to be seriously perceived especially in context of the Cold War.

    But that seems to line up in equivalence with today's flippant and sarcastic term "politically correct" as it's often used in the escalating so called "Social Justice War". :rolleyes:

    In either case such standards being applied to Amateur Radio at any time or any where are only worthy of ridicule, IMO. Glad you got your first license OK :D!

    73, John, WØPV
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
    VE7DXW likes this.
  12. SM0AOM

    SM0AOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think that it needs to be experienced to understand the sentiments of this era.

    The notion of "political reliability" was very real, and it was not unheard of that people with left-leaning stances lost their jobs or got real career problems, as the reigning Social Democrats were very jealous of competition regarding the control of vital functions in the society such as media and the trade unions from the communist party.

    On the national scene, they were quite insignificant, but were locally strong in some areas, especially in the mining districts in the north and in some industrial cities.

    So, the security police tried to keep track of everyone that could be sympathetic to the Soviet Union, as it was believed that subversive groups got their financing from them. To have a subscription to a newspaper or take part in cultural activities that had left-leaning policies could cause problems. Not to mention taking part in anti-war demonstrations.

    As the possession of a transmitter was considered as an act of trust from the Government, the prospective radio amateur and his family were routinely screened for potentially dangerous political views.

    "Freedom" is certainly a relative term...

    AF6SA and W0PV like this.
  13. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bad choices for secure comms:

    WhatsApp was breached in 2015, and the USPS is monitored by the US Postal Inspectors Service* who have the same powers of apprehension and arrest as the FBI. In fact, they work together, all the time. Posted mail contains traces of DNA, postal marks, and an obvious sender and recipient, and of course there are cameras at the Post Office. Also, any suspect piece of mail can be opened and examined by law enforcement, including the NSA, if they suspect one of the correspondents is a former MI-6 agent. Hence the need for an alternate method of delivery for fake FUSION GPS materials.

    Eventually, of course, Nellie's husband Bruce met with Chris Steele and Glenn Simpson, founder of Fusion, directly, then Bruce reported the salacious material to the FBI, at least 13 times, according to his deposition. The product of those meetings was used to generate a FISA warrant for an arguably fraudulent purpose that cost the taxpayers about 30 million dollars and two + years of angst and infighting that was a proximal cause of the complete mistrust of the mainstream media by about 50% of the US population.

    Other than that, Nellie worked for the CIA, under the direction of a guy named Brennan who voted Communist in 1970, whose security clearance was revoked after the Director of the NSA, Mike Rogers, rushed to NY to tell the President elect that his tower was bugged by our own intel community, causing the President elect to move his HQ, overnight, to a golf club in NJ.

    What difference at this point, does it make? I'm sure it's all a strange coincidence. However, relevant facts have emerged.

    These include Nellie Ohr’s study in the USSR in 1989; her fluency in Russian and Ph.D. in Russian history in 1990; a 2010 CIA affiliation, which practically makes her former MI6 agent Steele’s “opposite number”; and the extremely curious detail, hearkening back to earlier eras of spycraft, that on May 23, 2016, around the time she came on board Fusion GPS, Nellie applied for a ham radio operator’s license.


    The Intelligence Community made a request to a FISA court for the NSA to engage in an 'investigation' on a presidential candidate in June 2016. It was denied.

    In October, the Intelligence Community (NSA) made a second request to the FISA court (using Nellie's FUSION GPS research). It was approved.

    At around the same time (October), as the second request, two other intel agencies (Clapper/Brennan) asked the outgoing President to dump NSA Director Mike Rogers who disapproved of the FISA requests.

    A week after the election, Mike Rogers made a trip to the Tower in NYC, without telling his superior, James Clapper; which brought about new calls to dump Mike Rogers, which also caused the President elect to vacate the tower in NYC in favor of his golf club in NJ.

    In retrospect, if Nellie had wanted comms security, she could have just gotten a Winlink account and used a fake call!

    Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 06:18:25 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Lor W3QA <>
    To: Winlink Programs Group <>

    As President of ARSFI and a member of the team that develops and runs Winlink, I want to present a problem and ask that you, with your connections to the Seven Seas Cruising Association and the yachting community, give it some thought and help us mitigate it. This is callsign piracy and abusive use of Winlink by the maritime community. It is the biggest and most embarrassing PR problem we have. Cruisers on a shoestring and big, organized and well-publicized events like this one abuse the system by operating illegally on a regular basis. The sad fact is that our filter has large holes and a pirate can sometimes get away with abusing the system for weeks before their caught. Sadly, abuse like this is rare with non-maritime users, and that’s a fact. We observe that cruisers who grab a license to use Winlink on a voyage, or worse, learn that they can get away (at east for a while) without a license, don’t respect the rules and culture we operate under. It’s a major job to try to maintain a ‘clean’ system. And it is a major PR problem for the Winlink system among other hams. This has been a large deterrent to the FCC passing needed modernizations or Part 97. We are not too enthusiastic about the maritime community in general because of this.

    Lor W3QA
    Winlink Development Team

    OOPS! :)

    *At the USPS, Special Agents investigate fraud, threats, drugs, child endangerment, forgery, theft, etc., so using the mail for nefarious purposes is a really bad idea. Just ask Jussie.

    TLDR: I think we'll be hearing a lot more about Nellie in the near future.
    WN1MB, W5WN, K4XJ and 1 other person like this.
  14. N1JDW

    N1JDW Ham Member QRZ Page

    They had the arrogance to ask her why, at her age, would she become a ham operator? Our "reasons" for becoming part of the ham community, is because we enjoy making friendships, and exchanging technical information as it relates to the hobby.We are also a valuable resource for aiding emergency operations during a disaster. We are not a community of spies, terrorists, or criminals, and had the individual conducting the "interrogation," done their homework, i.e., speaking with actual ham operators beforehand, they may have elected to not approach the questioning in such a condescending and ignorant manner.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  15. N5PZJ

    N5PZJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am an Elected Politician in Louisiana, shoulda burned them QSL cards from Box 88 and beyond perhaps?
    VA6WWW and W0PV like this.
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