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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jul 26, 2018.

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  1. N2EY

    N2EY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    "Escalate this situation needlessly"?

    What do you think SHOULD be done? Just let the guy do whatever he wants?
  2. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    Poking the tiger cage again, I see....
  3. W5ICQ

    W5ICQ Ham Member QRZ Page

  4. N2EY

    N2EY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not at all. I just want to know.

    I mean, I see a some folks saying "we have to be self-policing" and "they should just take care of the problem locally" and such. Which is easy to say when the problem is more than a thousand miles away.

    But what about when it isn't? And remember, anybody you meet may be "carrying". Then it's a whole different game.
    W0FS likes this.
  5. W5ICQ

    W5ICQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's a shame Materne continues (to this day) to play music and otherwise interfere with the local ARES repeater on a daily basis, even after being notified by the FCC of his $18,000 fine. He's thumbing his nose at the FCC and evidently they don't care.
  6. K0DD

    K0DD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Good Afternoon Jim,

    Yep, Ignore him let it go.... Or in an HF frequency war; Spin the Dial. It takes two SIDES to fight. Eventually EGOS are going to cause somebody on either side to raise the stakes to a life and death level. It takes HUGE personal control to back down from a conflict like this.

    Have a great day.
    Erika DD
  7. K4KWH

    K4KWH Ham Member QRZ Page

    And THAT, my friends, is what I do. Simply go somewhere else. I will not tolerate single-digit IQ types bullying me, nor let them monopolize a band; not when there's plenty of other frequencies to alight on. I just give it to 'em. Same thing while driving. I do not confront the aggressive drivers, make obscene gestures, or engage them in any way. Its a different world now! You can get shot that way.

    I used to be on a local repeater group that was pretty protective of its repeaters. Anyone was welcome to use them so long as they conducted themselves with courtesy. Occasionally we would have a problem with unruly ops and unlicensed jerks. We organized a kind of "radio posse", or "fox hunt". When confronted with whistles, "kerchunkers", bad talkers, etc. we would get together via phone, meet at a specified location, then go DF the perp. Standard operating procedure was , first of all, silence over the affected repeater (If not pounded down by the control op first, so as not to alert the perp something was up). When a perp WAS harassing other ops, do not respond to their transmissions; ignore them. (That often infuriates THEM since they get a charge out of knowing they ARE getting under one's skin). Use a frequency not known to the perp (like 6 Meters simplex) to coordinate field fox team activities.

    We caught several interlopers in this manner--including one who had made some very ugly innuendo-filled transmissions that made it necessary for the control op to turn it off out from under him. THIS guy had a ticket. and, unfortunately, for him, we already knew WHO he was, and WHERE he was. We just had to catch him in the act! With the filthy comments he had made about one team member's wife, it was a wonder he wasn't already SHOT! This team member had already said that if he caught him he'd bust every tooth in his mouth out:(), so we didn't alert him on this particular trip.

    Accompanied by an actual US Marshall for Western NC (who was also a ham), we DF'ed the guy to his home. Evidence showed that he usually did this from his pickup truck, and that meant he could be anywhere. This night, he was at home. We crept cautiously into his yard (it was at night, and sho' nuff, we could see "Billy" (not his real name) sitting in his Mazda truck, door open, spewing threats and nasty comments, and DARING anyone to confront him. The team leader crept up on him, and tapped him on the shoulder! Billy jumped and grunted, for he was not expecting anyone to slip up on him like that. When he recognized us, his attitude changed!! HE suddenly became no-so-big!!!:oops: He began to beg and make promises (believe it or not) about how he would straighten up and act right.

    Its been nearly 20 years since that incident. I think it resulted in license revocation (FCC got the recordings). Billy moved away and was not heard from again, and the repeater returned to normal. ..............until the next time.:rolleyes:
    W0FS likes this.


    Looks to me the FCC may have hurt themselves a bit by making it appear the fine is so steep simply because he told Laura Smith to pound sand when she sided with the ham club on their accusation he interfered with a hurricane net. On other sites he's claimed to have sent recordings of the full 24 hour period of 22JUN2018 proving there was no hurricane net. It that's the case when it goes to court it may be the FCC having to explain this. I made a simple call to the National Weather Service in Lake Charles and simply asked if they called for Skywarn or a hurricane net and they not only told me they didn't but they also verified they monitored no net being conducted separately. I know if I can do this, the FCC could have.

    KC5CSG has posted two videos online showing this club's members going to his house and physically threatening his safety and he claims to have reported this to law enforcement and the FCC with nothing done about it. He's also reported death threats towards him and his daughter. On one site he's got recordings of the threats. I really don't think the FCC is going to push this into court.

    I'm getting the impression someone knew someone and cashed in on a favor.
  9. K7JEM

    K7JEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    But they know who the guy is, and the FCC actually caught him in the act. But still he continues to jam and harass, according to reports. So, other than shutting down the repeater, what option is there? If the guy isn't intimidated by actual FCC people, some locals are not going to have an impact. If the person is insane or a total loser, or both, there isn't much to be done.
    N2EY likes this.


    no they caught him allegedly in the act. has to be proven in court if they want to force him to pay. Not going anywhere beyond this scare tactic and that's what it is. It's the fcc hoping he'll come to the table, confess a little and they'll collect a little less.

    Let's see if the FCC really wants to play ball with this guy once he brings the evidence of harassment by this club towards him and his daughter to view. I've seen a lot of it already. It's already been reported that members of this club were heard on the repeater discussing how easy it would be to abduct this man's daughter while she walked to and from school. If this is true, this club has not gotten a fraction of what it deserves.
  11. KD8DEY

    KD8DEY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Et Tu?


    Sorry if the fact do not fit what you feel should be. The facts are, even if they df'd him they still have to prove he was the one keying the xmitter. Hard to do. There is tons of actual video evidence of what this club was doing to him. I'm sorry but some guy stopping a few old farts from holding their plantar's wart net doesn't equate to harassment and terrorist tactics that is videoed happening. Once it goes to court I feel sorry for this club. False reports to the FCC, false reports to the FBI, stalking, harassment, death threats, etc,....

    This appears to be a club of bullies who couldn't come to grips there was someone out there willing to thumb his nose at them. It drove them crazy and pushed them to do many extreme actions against him that puts this club (W5BII) in a very bad light. I'm sure once the evidence is viewed and heard the FCC is going to do whatever damage control they can to prove they can not be manipulated by a large group of hams that decided to target one individual ham and his young daughter.

    Facts are facts. It's all starting to come out and sorry if this rubs you wrong but when you compare the two sides it's the club that comes out as the villain here.
  13. K4KWH

    K4KWH Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is the reason that our team member whose wife had been insulted was not called when we dealt with a situation years ago. THIS particular member WOULD have, without any doubt, seriously injured OUR perp. He was about twice the perp's size with huge arms/muscles. He HAD threatened to really hurt this little pipsqueak if he ever laid eyes on him again. We did not call him in this instance for fear that we might get into a legal jam should there be an assault, despite the presence of a US Marshall. This would, then, jeopardize our efforts to stop the interference to our repeater.


    Here is what really confounds me. With all of the videos out there of this club harassing this guy and his daughter, the fact any of you are not appalled at this club's behavior says a lot about the hobby and where it's going.


    Well if you live in Florida the little pipsqueek may have pulled a weapon and put the big man and whoever he was with down. Either way, good judgement call.
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