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$200 plastic brick - K6UDA Radio Episode 51

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K6UDA, May 6, 2017.

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  1. K6UDA

    K6UDA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've been obsessed with getting this back up and running in Dsstar mode after who knows what happened last weekend. The problem is, it maybe affecting you too and as of today, theres still no real fix. This is NOT a lets bash openspot video, rather I'm trying to forewarn other Dstar users and find a solution.
  2. K0RGR

    K0RGR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great, I just bought one, and have been using it on D-star. I haven't had this problem yet. I'm not certain it's working on DMR, but DMR to Fusion seems to work well. There isn't a whole lot we can do externally to fix a screwed up DNS request. I wonder why it would change the name - that's strange.
  3. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sounds like a ISP / Router problem to me.
  4. WF9Q

    WF9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    What do you gain by doing this?
  5. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Proving that AT&T sucks, Is my guess.

    Not sure that is a gain tho. It has been proven.
  6. K6UDA

    K6UDA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yep. But they're the only game in town where I live.
  7. N1NDN

    N1NDN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Your video title implies that the Openspot is a faulty product and its not. The title is unfair and really just click bait. The developer of Openspot is excellent with his support and has helped me and many others with other issues early on. Using a bleeding edge BETA firmware isn't always the best idea either, although they may be updating it to fix your problem. Try DMR, thats working fine and theres more people there to talk with!
    KC6SOT, N0DSS and KF6NFW like this.
  8. N4MRM

    N4MRM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    use Skype Twitter or Facebook if you want to talk online, these defeat the ham radio purpose
    W7UUU and K2HAT like this.
  9. W8NGA

    W8NGA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Let me see if I am thinking correctly.... You are using a radio to talk to this device which is about a foot away that is connected to the internet. And then on the other end, someone else is using something similar as a go between the net and their radio.

    If I fail to make any contacts on my analog ham radio, then I must be doing something wrong and have no one to blame except for myself. I'm sorry, but I just cannot see this as having to do anything with ham radio. It is sort of like renaming your cell phone and calling it a ham radio transceiver.

    Am I not seeing something here?
    Greg W8NGA
    N4IAG, W7UUU, KC6SOT and 2 others like this.
  10. KF6NFW

    KF6NFW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I hear a bunch of guys not willing to accept new technologies in radio. This is really sad, and a turn off for new hams.

    Why is it not amateur radio? We seem to accept some forms of SSTV as real and they do the same thing, send a URL for a server download of the image, and yet I dont hear many bitch about that. Is that not real radio also.
    Sounds like a petty excuse on manys part to just bitch about something they dont understand
    I think a lot of guys are just reluctant to give new technology a try.
    I do agree though this is a click bait article, as it is not Opnespots issue but a Router or ISP issue.
    For some of us, it is the only way to get on air with DMR, myself included as there are ZERO repeaters in my state that support such technology.
  11. VK4AQJ

    VK4AQJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Repeaters are not real ham radio either. They sort of work like beacons and I've also raised some interest on repeater outputs and one or two emerge from the womb to try ssb and cw contacts using their own resources rather than rely on the length of their rubber duck and the efforts of others to place idiot boxes on hills.
    My last post on this. I will put away my wooden spoon now.
  12. NU4R

    NU4R Ham Member QRZ Page


    Typical irresponsibility and lack experience... allowed to post anything they want!

    Welcome to the 21st century! Sure couldn't get away with the likes of the aforementioned in my career but, I guess other obviously can and carry it forward to the amateur radio population!

    PS-MY "$200.00 brick" functions just fine!
  13. WF4W

    WF4W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry, but it's tough to grasp that use of the Internet as a go-between constitutes "real" amateur radio. Don't most dvap/dongle users simply use their laptop or PC mic to access the DSTAR or DMT reflector?

    isn't this nothing more than an voice-based Internet chat room for ham radio operators?

    I'm not bashing it - I use DSTAR via the local repeater with my th-d74 ... I've spoken to individuals in Spain, Australia, South Africa, Canada, and Great Britain. I don't actually log them nor consider them real "DX"... At least ther is some actual RF on my side though :)
    KA9JLM likes this.
  14. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page


    It is just pay to play VoIP.
  15. K6UDA

    K6UDA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I know guys that say the same thing about solid state amps, not being a CW op, when will it stop? It's about making the contacts not how you do it. My opinion.

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