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US Tallest Dam May Crumble At Any Time-Oroville Dam In California

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by K7WFM, Feb 11, 2017.

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  1. NY7Q

    NY7Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    At my brother's home, less than one mile from spillway. All I can say is, if you don't live here don't make comments about the dam failing. It is not failing. the spillway took somewhat of a hit but is being repaired. Starting rumors about this is not too cool, especially when you live in another state.
    K9ASE likes this.
  2. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    If it bleeds, it sells.

    Does anyone know exactly what mandatory evacuation means? Can anyone force you to leave your home? Are there insurance or legal implications if you refuse to leave?

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
  3. WF9Q

    WF9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is an interesting question. Not sure if this was true but one of the fake news networks reported that people that left the first time came home to houses the were robbed.
  4. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't know how mandatory the "mandatory" evacuations are, but I do remember video from not many years ago of people being arrested for trying to re-enter a wildfire zone after a "mandatory" evacuation. During Katrina, people who defied the order to evacuate had their houses forcibly entered by the cops/ANG, and their weapons seized, while they watched. Somehow the looters still had weapons, of course.
  5. KV6O

    KV6O Ham Member QRZ Page

    For the most part, you cannot be forced to leave. I suspect the laws vary from state to state, but a "mandatory" evacuation is worded as such to convey the urgency and compel you to leave. There are a few exceptions, if you're committing a crime, you can be arrested and taken off your property, for example. Another is a medical/psychiatric hold (called an "M1 hold" here in Colorado), a Dr. can place an individual under the care of the state for 72 hours maximum IIRC. This can be used if you have shown that you are a threat to yourself or others. If you're unable to make rational decisions due to alcohol, drugs, head injury, diabetic episode, etc., you can be removed - just a few beers doesn't cut it though, you need to be unable to comprehend what is going on. Head injuries can be interesting, folks can get very combative and refuse treatment, but they can be forceably restrained and transported to a hospital.

    But if you are competent, and able to understand the ramification of your decisions, you can refuse to leave your house with a fire bearing down on you. Just like you have to consent to have surgery, or medical treatment - a Dr. can tell you that you need to take a medication, undergo a procedure, etc., and if you don't, you could die - and you can still refuse.

    Legal implications are probably the least of your concerns, being dead in the near future based on your choice is the primary problem.

    BTW, if you DO leave your property, you can be denied access back to your property.

    WA7PRC likes this.
  6. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    That makes sense, and is about what I thot. Thanks.

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
  7. W9FTV

    W9FTV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nope, you can't be forced out. If things go south, "best effort" on the part of the rescuers is in effect and you're on your own. Saw that as a reservist/auxiliarist Coastie during the flood of '93 here in MO. Fortunately, the people who refused evacuation saw the light after spending a night on a rooftop or in a tree. Given the choice of being in the middle of a devastating disaster, or having your house robbed; I'll be hauling ass away from the area as fast as I can. Stuff can be replaced, people can't.
    WF9Q likes this.
  8. AF6LJ

    AF6LJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's true in Kalifornia you cannot be forced out of your house.
  9. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    All sounds right to me. Story about a guy who lived in a cabin near Mt. St. Helens, would not leave. He did leave, feet first.

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
  10. WA7PRC

    WA7PRC Ham Member QRZ Page

    His name was Harry Truman:
    K7WFM likes this.
  11. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    At least he got his 15 minutes of fame.
    The hard way.

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo

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