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MFJ in partnership with InnovAntennas and G0KSC

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    MFJ in partnership with InnovAntennas and G0KSC

    MFJ Enterprises a manufacturer of a broad range of products for the amateur radio industry specializing in station accessories, antennas and antenna tuner units and InnovAntennas Limited a designer and builder of modern computer optimized directional antenna systems, today announced a partnership which will increase the availability of InnovAntennas smaller antennas in addition to providing a new and up to date range of computer optimized directional antennas for Hy-Gain and Cushcraft, two of the legacy brands of MFJ Enterprises.

    Justin Johnson G0KSC, owner of InnovAntennas Limited (a member of the International Ham Store Group) who is also a contributor to the ARRL Antenna Book 2016 provided the following statement.

    "This is really exciting news for both companies. InnovAntennas have not been able to fully service the US market due to an inability to meet global demand.

    The MFJ facility in Starkville MS will be building some of the smaller antennas we produce under the InnovAntennas label and I have already visited the factory last year to established production methods using MFJ/Hy-Gain and Cushcraft tooling."

    Justin continued by saying "most of our popular models will be covered by MFJ, including the LFA (Loop Fed Array) Yagi and OWL (Optimized Wideband Low impedance).

    Additionally, new computer optimized and yet unreleased HF and VHF mono and multiband Yagis will be released through the Hy-Gain and Cushcraft brands, neither of which have released new Yagis in quite some time".

    Justin Johnson G0KSC has become well-known for his innovative variants of the common Yagi which boast direct 50Ω feed points and low-noise patterns and feed arrangements. Dubbed the ‘urban antenna’ the LFA is well suited to city lots where noise prevents the hobby being as enjoyable as it once was. More recently, G0KSC has transitioned into HF multiband and monoband designs where he has embraced the compact ‘trap-less’ concept with the InnovAntennas CP-6 being an excellent example, providing 6 bands with a single feed in a package just 12’ by 28’.

    It is expected that the first in this new line of antennas will be available by the spring of 2017 on a direct and distributor supply basis and it is advised that interest is placed with MFJ Enterprises as soon as possible.

    About IHSG

    IHSG was formed in 2016 by three major ham and hobby radio companies in the UK, Nevada Group, Waters & Stanton and InnovAntennas. IHSG provides a one-stop-shop for the serious ham and hobbyist providing both the best equipment and solid, unbiased advice.

    Contact any of our stores for further details or Email or for more information.

    WM9F likes this.
  2. KT5OT

    KT5OT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    so much for buying anything from them! mfj will ruin it with cheap hardware and missing parts to make a profit! more chinese junk to deal with!
    SV8RMA, K2BY and WA8MEA like this.
  3. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    They fill an expanding niche market often for those with little money and knowledge/experience.
    M0BOB, AK5B, KK0K and 1 other person like this.
  4. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Exciting news for HyGain and Cushcraft products, indeed!
    WA8MEA likes this.
  5. KL7AJ

    KL7AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I suppose these will come in "partial kit" form.
    WA8MEA likes this.
  6. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The only fully assembled antennas I've ever received were rubber ducks!
    KG5EXW, WA8MEA, K2MOB and 1 other person like this.
  7. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    C'mon guys, stop driving ham business away!

    People read these diss comments and say: 'why would anyone sell to hams'.

    Best of luck to Innovatennas/MFJ.

    Chip W1YW
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
    W4LJ, AB0RE, KD0WGB and 10 others like this.
  8. KT5OT

    KT5OT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    martin fine jue JUNK!
  9. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Martin is a fine man who brings great value to that ham community. His success is well deserved.

    Occasionally, some product slips thru the cracks. However, if you bring it their attention, you will be pleasantly surprised by the assistance.

    Its not 1980 and its been a very long time since MFJ stood for 'mighty fine junk'.

    Chip W1YW
    W4MAL, KF9F, K8YYL and 22 others like this.
  10. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sounds like an AMERICAN success story to me...

    Chip W1YW
    W4MAL, WA5VHU, W4LJ and 11 others like this.
  11. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    What MFJ gear do you own?
  12. N9XCO

    N9XCO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Best of luck to Innovatennas/MFJ.

    I feel some people here suffer from the "Rotten Egg syndrome"., anyone can smell a rotten egg., when was the last time "You"laid an egg?
  13. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Folks, stop with the MFJ dissing. It's way beyond tiresome. Indeed I bet NONE of the above posters has ever bought any MFJ gear, much less anything defective.

    I think Justin has some really creative and effective designs, can't wait to order several. I am sure the MFJ products will be fine.
    N0TZU likes this.
  14. WA6AM

    WA6AM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have owned and operated MFJ products for more than 30 years. Overall I would give them a 9.5 of 10.
    Not perfect,but its MFJ not something homebrewed that you would put time and effort into to meet
    your standards. I like their products and will continue to purchase from them thru HRO when needed.
    Keeping the hobby alive in my own way.
    Just a thought.
    73 to all and call CQ.
    W4MAL, W4AAX, KB2SMS and 5 others like this.
  15. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just to make it clear, I have an extensive inventory of ham gear, some of which is lent out, and others I bought in anticipation of bringing my KY superstation on line last year (which I killed with the stupid amendment on HR1301). Some of this may be kept in anticipation of another superstation I expect to build outside of Jackson Hole at a later date.

    I don't have much MFJ gear, but here is what's on hand:

    MFJ-259 (two of these)

    I am selling the MFJ-299, which is too big for my desk.

    Chip W1YW
    W4AAX and KK0K like this.
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