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Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K0PKE, Oct 8, 2012.

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  1. N5TEN

    N5TEN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Huh? Did you read the case? This is going to the SCOTUS and has nothing to do with "grey aliens or grey pentaxes, or grey for that matter". This has to do with an early 20th century court doctrine (1908) that has to do with first sales copyright. This is a HUGE deal, and has zip, naddah, about foreign copyright infringement to American companies. This has to do with private individuals selling private property.
  2. KF7PCL

    KF7PCL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I do not understand how copyright law can be applied if nothing is being copied.
  3. KK6RF

    KK6RF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sale tax is collected when a company has "a presence" in the state. Amazon has many affiliate programs with companies in California which gives them a presence.

    North Carolina annouced that it would require Amazon to collect sales tax for their state. Rather than collect sales tax for North Carolina, Amazon terminated all North Carolina affiliates. This goes for Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Rhode Island and Connecticut.

    There were too many affiliates in CA to walk away from. So, we have have to pay sales tax now. I used to love free shipping and no tax from Amazon. Now it sucks... Well, Amazon still has a great selection, some great prices and free shipping but now I have to factor in sales tax when ording from them.
  4. KK6RF

    KK6RF Ham Member QRZ Page

    eBay is taking this case seriously. «« Click here »» to see eBays take on Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons. This is why I received this message from eBay about a week ago:


    Personally, I think John Wiley & Sons are BS. IP (intellectual property) is getting totally out of hand. Next thing you know a hammer from Home Depot will come with an EULA (End User Liscense Agreement). I can just see it, "I'm sorry sir, that hammer isn't licensed for foriegn made nails. But you can purchase a license upgrade!". The amount of time and money these big companies have to push their interests is overwhelming. I haven't been very politically active in my life but if the courts side with John Wiley & Sons, I'll dedicate some of my time to try to have the laws changed. We're in a global economy now. The idea that I couldn't resale a physical item to anyone, anwhere just seems so archaic.

    Of course, there are items like weapons and medicine that are restricted in the name of public safety. But a book??? Prohibiting the resale of a book only artifically limits competition and protects corporate profits. I'm signing eBay's petition.
  5. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is all tied to export and reimportation of copyrighted material. Drugs, Books, Software, Music, and Movies. The puplisher got their cut on the first sale now they want a cut of all resales. I worked in an industry that was troubled with Counterfiet copies it can hurt sales, it does hurt sales. Also if the copy fails and the customer blames the IP holder how does that help the job situation?
  6. W9PNG

    W9PNG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can't this being enforceable.

    Even if it was, the companies will also be losing out.

    Many people do not upgrade without knowing they can sell their old one.

    How could I buy a new Honda or Toyota without knowing I can sell my old one.

    This would force consumers to keep items much longer, especially big ticket items like ham radios!
  7. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Okay here is how it works some money bags cries to his elected official that he needs protection, to make even more money, so a bill is drafted. Then money starts flowing and the bill gets passed. So the Money bags gets protected and we the voter get (@#$%^@#).

    Clear enough?
  8. KD8RHG

    KD8RHG Guest

    Please keep your head in the sand and please keep watching MSNBC. Soon, we will be finished with your ilk.

    In way of answering your question, I don't have the time and there probably isn't the room here, but I will just tell you to look at private property rights, an area affecting almost every ham on the planet.
  9. AC7VX

    AC7VX Ham Member QRZ Page

    The President doesn't appoint judges, he nominates them to the Senate who then appoints "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate."
  10. WV3E

    WV3E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Actually, what Kirtsaeng did was simply leverage the fact that companies charge US consumers more for their goods than they charge consumers in other parts of the world, often at a price point of less than the cost of manufacture. In effect, the US consumer subsidizes a part of overseas sales. I see nothing wrong with what Kirtsaeng did. The companies created their own problem, plain and simple, and they should have to live with the results. If they don't like it they can always raise prices overseas and/or lower prices in the US, thereby eliminating the profit potential. I say let the market sort it out.
  11. K9CTB

    K9CTB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Absolute carp. Media flailing to create and maintain their relevance in a changing world. This "article" on the web in no more important than Sally Nobody's blog on how to make potato pie! Somebody said it better than I: "Chicken Little". Laugh it off and go on about your business.
  12. WA8FOZ

    WA8FOZ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Amazing, the way that Rupert and his sort can use the most absurd things to stir up the gullible.
  13. W4BUZ

    W4BUZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Your Obamacare is full of them if you care to take the time to ( READ IT ).

    Speaking of parroting, stop listening to the Liars on the Lame stream media and you would`nt be asking such nonsense, FOX news are not the ones that constantly have to walk back their statements and or apologize for telling lies
  14. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do any of you remember all of the uproar over Internet stoppages over the DMCA and other copy right acts.

    Down Load a piece of music from Pirate Bay, or any other music or movies shareing website.

    Did any of you get caught in the SPO/IBM spat it ruins your day when the cease and desist order is hand delievered to your front door.

    Yes I use Linux, Ubuntu, Puppy, DigiPup, and Red Hat. I do not steal or attempt to circumvent Economic zones.

    We have the finest Government that Money can BUY
  15. N7XDO

    N7XDO Ham Member QRZ Page

    wow weight till you try to sell that you bought from GM that was built on our tax dollar and now you pay them again God i love this country,,
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