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Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K0PKE, Oct 8, 2012.

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  1. K3NG

    K3NG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hams wear pants more often than they sell gear. I want more articles about pants!
  2. WX1DX

    WX1DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    gee you would have to turn back 100 years of case law and completely change our economic structure (NOT GONNA HAPPEN FOLKS ) when the supreme court takes this up I highly expect that they will tell the company that they made there money and should be happy that they have such good sales. That the gentleman simply did what anyone would do in this global market and if they have that much of an issue maybe they should adjust there sales price accordingly. As for this effecting hams it's not going to in any way shape or form, I am unsure what this even has to do with Amateur radio?????
  3. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    This may have an impact on used gear sales, If the radio you are selling is SDR, are you selling it with the oridginal software or did you install non factory updates? Used cars where someone changed the engine chip for more performance.

  4. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    He made $1.2 million reselling his college textbooks :confused:

    I was lucky to get 10c on the dollar.
  5. KI5MG

    KI5MG Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is not really relevant to the main topic, but, if you don't think that some crazy laws can and have been passed. Take a look at this one. I think some people go around wearing blinders and or tunnel vision with rose colored glasses on when it come to what our officials will pass. This was passed last year and it was slipped in under the radar and signed before anyone really knew about it.
  6. NQ6U

    NQ6U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Same here. In fact, I ended up keeping a lot of mine just because the price they were offering on buyback was so insulting that I decided to take the financial hit rather than let them profit off me once again.
  7. W4FID

    W4FID XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Are they kidding us? I sure hope this is a joke or someone's total lack of facts mixed with over zealous interpretation of partial misunderstanding.

    The USA needs to protect the copy write interests of stuff made in China? A country with about the lowest compliance with anyone's intellectual property rights of any nation in the history of the world?

    I guess if the president is OK with lowering his dignity and our national stature by bowing to an Arab king we should all expect to pay and be subservient to the Asians. Especially since they are so nice and respectful to us. Their lead toy paint and toxic pet food sure put them on the radar screen as good folks to deal with who's business we should value and expect to pay for.

    NOT talking about stuff pirated or copied illegally in the first place. But if I bought it legitimately and paid for it according to the property rights in effect at the time it's mine. You want a piece of my reselling it if I choose to please send your people over to talk to my people and we'll have lunch while we talk about your shoving it where no one will want to clean it off and buy it third hand.
  8. KT1F

    KT1F Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think it's really all to do with what's called "Parallel Importing" and whether or not the manufacturer's official importer should be permitted to have a monopoly on importing into a country.

    In 1998 the New Zealand government passed a law specifically permitting parallel importing because of a strong belief in free trade and competition. As I recall at the time, Microsoft and I think others like Levi's got rather upset and stamped their feet a few times but were told to like it or lump it. Prices of goods through the official channels dropped after that.

    I agree with those saying that it really has very little to do with an ordinary person buying and selling things second hand.
  9. ZL1RD

    ZL1RD Ham Member QRZ Page

    How anyone can even begin to take that nonsense seriously astounds me!
  10. W6UDO

    W6UDO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm surprised this thread hasn't already been removed, but, to add my 2c, I'm forever reminded of the line by Mort Sahl back in the early 70s: "In the 1700s we had great minds: Washington, Jefferson, Adams. Now the best we can do is Nixon and McGovern?? All I can conclude from this is that Darwin was wrong!" More accurately put, I think Darwin had it backwards.
    Vy 73 all...
  11. W6UDO

    W6UDO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, I think it was, but it's very quickly taken a turn down everyone's favorite rabbit hole...politics!!
    Vy 73...Joe
  12. W5DQ

    W5DQ Guest

    Already happening in many areas. The days of throwing together a quick pocket money generating garage sale is quickly getting regulated to death.

    Look what recent was announced on Amazon.Com about sales tax on internet sales .... SALES TAX collected even though there is no brick and mortar stores in CA, which used to be the catch to collecting sales tax.
  13. K3NG

    K3NG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yea, it always lowers your national dignity when you honor local customs on diplomatic trips, just like Bush did when he kissed a Saudi prince and held his hand.
  14. WD8AQS

    WD8AQS Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are soooooooo right. The Wall Street Journal is just another tabloid.
  15. K2PH

    K2PH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not all the big deal that the article makes it out to be. Really has to do with so-called "grey" merchandise. There was a case a while ago with Costco importing "grey market" goods that they bought overseas. I believe they lost. It gets hairier when the items bear a trademark owned by a US company and the grey goods are stopped at the border because of that. Those of us old enough remember those fine 35mm cameras that people bought in Japan and much to their chagrin discovered that in the US the Honeywell Company had the rights to the trade name "Pentax". Lots of those Asahi Pentaxes were defaced as they came through customs.
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