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Yaesu's Newest Transceiver The FTdx3000

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4CLM, May 19, 2012.

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  1. NL7W

    NL7W Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm with you, Jim. All along I've been thinking this new FTdx-3000 will come in between $2000 and $2500... maybe $2700 on the top end. The economy won't support much higher, IMHO.

  2. AK9DX

    AK9DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yaesu Ft-3000 Build Quality

    Yaesu use to make a radio that felt pretty nice. Nice VFO's and knobs and quality case.
    There last offerings of the 950 and the Ft-2000 feel cheap and plastic feeling. Quality of build was a disappointment to me.

    If the new FT-3000 is built cheaply, I will stay away.

  3. W3RXO

    W3RXO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Another YAWN, from Japan.

    With all the hubbub over the "new" TS990, now this. To me, this is a far better looking radio, than the TS990, but, really, did we NEED another Yaesu HF rig? Geez, it seems to me, that we have a glut of low, mid and top tier HF/6M rigs, was there really a need, for another rig in this class? It reminds me of the IC 7600. Maybe not like the 200W rigs, but, come on Yaesu, this type of rig is already being made. How about something innovative?
    Personally, between me, and my circle of radio friends, we have come to the conclusion, that a FAR better idea, would be something more like an old FT736, but with modern accoutrements. Let the buyer pick his bands, from a choice of 10M, 6M, 2M, 1.25M, 70CM, 33CM, 23CM or 13CM, for their all mode rig. Or, how about a modern version of a TM742 Kenwood, maybe even with all mode capability. Maybe even make an all mode version of the FT8900. I can think of dozens of rigs, that the hobby could use, more than another version of the TS2000 (minus 2M, 70Cm and 23CM), or an IC7410, or, or, or, or.....
    Sure, I obviously have an affinity for VHF/UHF and up, all mode rigs. I'll stipulate to that. But, geez, there are none, anymore. There hasn't been an all mode 220, since the IC375A. Heck, there hasn't been a truly NEW 220 rig, from the Japanese big three, for a generation.
    Personally, I believe we are going to lose the rest of 220, if we don't start using it, more. In major metro areas, like L.A., Dallas, and MANY others, there is no available pair, to put up a new two meter, and often 70CM repeater, if a newer guy wants one. Sadly, someone has to darn near die, and not will his coordination, to someone else, in order to put up a repeater. 222, seems to me, to be the solution. But, none of the big 3 major manufacturers, are making any mobiles or bases. Sure, you have Alinco and Jetstream, but that's pretty much it. And, NO base rigs, nor all mode rigs. The last decent, all mode dual/tri-bander, was the IC910.
    I think a FT736 styled radio, would be wonderful, if a buyer could choose his/her band modules. have the ability to choose 3, or 4 bands, for your rig, and work SSB, or satellite, from a rig, where VHF/UHF and up, is not an afterthought.....Now, that would be a hit, and if they incorporated modern technology, it would be an outstanding rig, for those who like the world above 50mhz.
    I don't mean to sound negative. Even with this rig, and the TS990, I see very little in the way of innovation, coming out of Japan. Maybe, we could talk Elecraft, TenTec and/or Flex, into doing something like I suggest? But, I would guess not. The Japanese don't seem to care much, for the VHF/UHF and up, weak signal crowd.
    Believe me. I do not mean to slam the new rig. I would guess, like any other rig, it will have it's share of fans and detractors, and will likely be a nice rig. Just like the TS990, I just do not see it filling a void, in the market, except, to add a brand name, to a copy of another manufacturer's rig.
    I Must admit, though, that I do like the look, and prefer the display, on this depiction, over anything else I have seen out of Asia, in, like, FOREVER. Nice display. Sorry, but this one, like the 990, is just something else, to make me YAAAAWN!!!
  4. K8WHB

    K8WHB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I feel your pain. After being out of ham radio for 28 years when I got back in I looked to see if something like the FT-736 was still around and was dismayed by what I found. All kinds of "DC to daylight" mobiles (FT-897, IC-7000, etc.) and even the little FT-817 QRP rig (such a unit could never have been built before the advent of SMD) but alas only 2 desktop models that even came close - the TS-2000 & the IC-9100 (the FT-847 had just been discontinued). The price of the Icom is WAY over the top (at least I think so) and the TS-2000 has too many limitations.

    The idea of a modular "pick your band" radio really strikes my fancy; and it could be either like the IC-736 or even the IC-900 type form factor with the module stack. For now it appears I'll have to assemble my own with some DEM or Elecraft transverters behind the Kachina or my TS-430S.
  5. K8WHB

    K8WHB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I feel your pain . . .

    I feel your pain. After being out of ham radio for 28 years when I got back in I looked to see if something like the FT-736 was still around and was dismayed by what I found. All kinds of "DC to daylight" mobiles (FT-897, IC-7000, etc.) and even the little FT-817 QRP rig (such a unit could never have been built before the advent of SMD) but alas only 2 desktop models that even came close - the TS-2000 & the IC-9100 (the FT-847 had just been discontinued). The price of the Icom is WAY over the top (at least I think so) and the TS-2000 has too many limitations.

    The idea of a modular "pick your band" radio really strikes my fancy; and it could be either like the IC-736 or even the IC-900 type form factor with the module stack. For now it appears I'll have to assemble my own with some DEM or Elecraft transverters behind the Kachina or my TS-430S.
  6. W5DQ

    W5DQ Guest

    Nice looking rig but it appears to be a single rcvr design which would rule it out for my needs. I already have enough dual VFo rigs .... I'm in the market for a dual rcvr design at a reasonable price.

    Gene W5DQ
  7. W4ITX

    W4ITX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice rig but one thing that would turn me off is the fact it doesnt have a power knob,or maybe I didnt see it but if menu driven then its a big turn off for me. 73
  8. KT0DD

    KT0DD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I didn't see a DVI port to run the display on an external monitor. The TFT is only 3.5 inches and the bandscope is pretty small. Having the ability to connect the FTDX 3000 directly to an external monitor would be the only incentive for me to sell my FT-950 with the NS3 3k roofing filter installed by AC0C. I have the DMU 2000 unit with my 950 so I can have the scope features on a larger screen.

    73, Todd - KT0DD

    " I love my country, but fear my government ! "
  9. N6DPG

    N6DPG Ham Member QRZ Page


    The picture probably does not do it justice...but on first glance it looks similar to a Yaesu 450. It has many more bells and whistles...and a way bigger price!
    Dan n6dpg
    Last edited: May 22, 2012
  10. W1ABO

    W1ABO Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Yaesu Rep at Dayton told me $3000-$3500 available this Fall
  11. W3RXO

    W3RXO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Whatever else I said about it, the one thing that keeps coming to mind, is, it is THE BEST LOOKING rig, I have seen, in some time. I think it's idea, is to replace the FT-950. Nice display. I love the look, but looks only go so far.
    I predict that the display on this, if it comes to market, as shown, will be the favorite display, for some time to come. With the ability to see the shape of your filters, it adds a new dimension.
  12. N1JGE

    N1JGE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was thinking about one but not for that kind of money. Next time you see this guy tell him good luck.
  13. W7ARX

    W7ARX Guest

    New Radio

    I think the 3000 may be a decent performer, but will have to wait and see. Hopefully a step up over the poor performance of the 950 and 2000. Lots of folks who got those (me included) were hoping for a good radio with some "features" but in a crowded band conditions, both suffer terribly. Hopefully, Y got it corrected in the 3000.

    Have to admit, the Kenwood looks nice but way too busy front panel for me and the cost will be prohibitive. I think I will stick with my proven performer....
  14. K1FBI

    K1FBI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Is old really new?

    No "new dimension", seeing your filter shape is what the old IC-756PRO did... nothing new here.
  15. N8SDR

    N8SDR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'll agree, besides if you want to see what is really going on look at Flex or even better Flex's new offering that is really as they say a "Game Changer"
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