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Some 21st Century Ideas for your Field Day Station

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AB1OC, Jun 15, 2017.

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  1. AB1OC

    AB1OC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    The Nashua Area Radio club is planning some new technology as part of our 2017 Field Day Operation. Plans include software defined radios, a networking system, a computer controlled satellite station and more. We've published an article about what we are planning on our Blog. I thought that folks here might get some new ideas for their 2017 Field Day Operation from our article. You can find the article here. We will be operating as N1FD during Field Day with a total of at least 10 transmitters on the air.


    Fred, AB1OC
    President, Nashua Area Radio Club

    Attached Files:

    W5KV, W9AFB, KU4X and 5 others like this.
  2. K7YB

    K7YB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why not have a 48" display going that will captivate the passersby?...and lead to more questions and "OOOH and AWW" time. Of course, that's if you are in a public venue, mall parking lot etc. We're missing the VISUAL side of the hobby that may pique the interest of a future ham. When I activate the JOTA station here in the fall, it will have a large SDR display so the FUTURE hams can actually see what is going on and get interested. V31YB
  3. AB1OC

    AB1OC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    We will have a large display in our public information tent which also runs the N1MM+ logger as well as displaying videos about amateur radio and our club. This screen will allow visitors get an overview of everything that is going on in our setup in real time.
    KE0MHJ, WA7WJR, KU4X and 1 other person like this.
  4. K7YB

    K7YB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    All the videos etc are great (We found the ARRL 20 minute info video much TOO technical for the average a certain point their eyes glassed over). A British video (RSGB?) is shorter and more entertaining (kids are involved in kit building, communication). I still stress the need for an SDR display of what is happening RIGHT NOW in the Field Day operation that can be pointed out and explained to the average passerby. Lights, camera , ACTION!'s all good and glad to see you are doing it.
    K6UMA and KU4X like this.
  5. AB1OC

    AB1OC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you for your suggestions. We will have both the RSGB and the video available for public viewing on the display. Folks will be able to see the SDR views that you suggest at our GOTA and Digital stations. Thank you very much for your helpful suggestions.
  6. WQ2H

    WQ2H QRZ Lifetime Member #214 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Hi Fred - Awesome, great job. Hope to connect with you folks on Saturday. If you'll have any ALE stations running give me a shout.
    Jim, WQ2H
  7. NI9Y

    NI9Y XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    That's a great idea about a large video screen for Field Day visitors. Will pass this along.

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