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SDRplay RSPdx review and interview

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VA2PV, Nov 18, 2019.

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  1. K8JHR

    K8JHR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, shoot. I agree with KR3DX ... and I watched the whole program. Once again, I feel misled by the headline. Pascal, who is one of the finest gentlemen anywhere, disappoints because it this is truly just a new product announcement, not a product review. Only a very few minutes of the entire show are dedicated to the new product, as the rest of the program is filled with chit chat about getting young people interested in ham radio, plugs for Mike's Facebook support channel, and instructions about SDRUno which are weakly tied to the new product. Once again, not a review, but a brief product review and pleasant conversation about other stuff.

    My vote: Meh. K8JHR

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