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PR7JP Silent keys

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by PY4MAB, Jun 17, 2015.

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  1. PY4MAB

    PY4MAB Ham Member QRZ Page

    eath Note

    Published: 17/06/2015

    It is with regret that we report the death our friend Guelfo Jorge Poltronieri - PP2JP and PR7JP, occurred on the morning of 13/06, due to an intestinal acute hemorrhage. He also came to be operated in emergency for the stagnation of the blood, but did not resist and left after surgery. Jorge was active in the Radio Scouting, a member of Patrol Baden Powell - Joao Pessoa and manager of PT2CM - GE Caio Martins, in Brasilia / DF. That our friend / brother Rosicrucian can rest in eternal Horizonte and the SADU may comfort you and your family in this time of momentary separation.

    Ramiro R. Carvalho - PR7RC / ZZ7Z

    João Pessoa / PB - Brazil

    Grid Locator: HI22nw

    LABRE PB member: # 552

    CWJF member: # 671

    Portuguese language

    Nota de Falecimento

    Publicado: 17/06/2015

    É com pesar que informo o falecimento nosso amigo Guelfo Jorge Poltronieri - PP2JP e PR7JP, ocorrido na madrugada de 13/06, em decorrência de uma hemorragia aguda intestinal. Ele ainda chegou a ser operado em emergência para o estancamento do sangue, mas não resistiu e partiu após a cirurgia. Jorge era ativo no radioescotismo, integrante da Patrulha Baden Powell - João Pessoa e manager da PT2CM - GE Caio Martins, de Brasília/DF. Que o nosso amigo/irmão Rosacruz possa descansar no Horizonte Eterno e que o S.A.D.U. possa lhe confortar e à sua família nesse momento de separação momentânea.

    Ramiro R. Carvalho - PR7RC/ZZ7Z

    João Pessoa/PB - Brazil

    Grid Locator: HI22nw

    LABRE PB member: #552

    CWJF member: #671

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